"Officer Lopez, you want to take that?" Grey asks.

"At a minimum, a low score means merciless taunting for months." Angela responds.

"Great." Lucy grumbles.

"But you four did pass, so there's good news - you can now wear short sleeves. Congratulations. Nolan." Grey says, calling on Nolan when he raises his hand.

"Sir, who will I be riding with today?" Nolan asks.

"I was thinking me. But, I think I want to test out Cabrera, I haven't ridden with her yet. So you'll go with Chen and Bradford. Since I know about you and Bradford's bromance" Grey grins.

"Cabrera, Bradford, you two cool with that?" Grey asks.

"yes, sir" Ana says, softly.

"yup" Tim smirks, eying Nolan and already brainstomring the ways he's gonna torture him today.

The rookies are walking down to the quartermaster to get the gear for the day.

"I know I did better than an 81, didn't I?" Lucy questions.

"you did do better than an 81, if anyone got it, it was probably me" Ana says, softly.

"you didn't get an 81" Lucy frowns.

"the written test was easy, but the oral?" Ana replies, softly, shaking her head.

"Yeah, the oral exam is the X-Factor." Jackson mentions.

"He's right. Chief Williams could ding us on the tiniest of mistakes, which I'm sure he did with me, and Grey knows that, so Tim's gonna spend the day torturing me." Nolan sighs.

"Or he knows you pulled the high score and Tim plans to torture you anyway." Lucy says, trying to be optimistic.

"You're lucky you don't have to worry." Nolan says, turning to Jackson.

"Who says I'm not worried?" Jackson asks.


"so why aren't you wearing short sleeves?" Lucy asks.

"Tim told me a while ago that his rookies wear long sleeves and ties 'til the end of probation" Ana replies, softly. "plus, I get cold.

"he didn't say that" Lucy responds as they enter the garage. "and even if he did, you're riding with Grey for the day."

"Tim is still my training officer" Ana answers, softly. "plus, I don't mind the long sleves and the tie"

"What are you doing?" Tim asks when he sees them step into the garage.

"What?" Lucy asks.

"My rookies wear long sleeves and ties until the last day of probation" Tim responds.

"Yeah, but Sergeant Grey said -" Lucy starts.

"Grey is not your training officer. I have complete discretion of the training of my boot, and that includes uniform. Okay? So go change back into your long sleeves. And don't forget the tie. Now, Boot." Tim says and Lucy sighs before walking back.

"you too, boot" Tim says, when Nolan enters the garage.

"but-..." Nolan tries.

"I am your temporary training officer, long sleeves and tie" Tim orders.

"Where you two going?" Jackson asks, as both Lucy and Nolan walk past him, back to the locker rooms.

"To change back." Lucy huffs.


"Alright, Cabrera" Grey sighs as they get into the car.

"what are your preliminary guesses for the scores?" Grey asks.

Altruism | Part Two : CareWhere stories live. Discover now