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I walked down the moonlit path, the full moon shining right above me, with a book in my hand in which I was completely immersed. It was a familiar path, the one I walked on many nights before.

The wind blew softly, it was one of those monsoon nights which warned of a storm yet to come. There was rustle behind me, I was aware of it but I ignored it, just like anyone would, I thought it was the wind. That was a big mistake.

Before I even knew it, a hand curled around my neck from the back, I couldn't see who it was. I was very aware of what was happening yet I was frozen, I couldn't move. I was helpless.

Suddenly my neck was tilted to a side, and a piercing pain stabbed down on my neck. Like two needles being stabbed on my artery. A gasp escaped my lips, the first movement I made on my own since the time I was held captive. It happened fast as lightning but it felt like it was being played in slow motion.

It lasted for a few seconds, I started to feel lightheaded. Before I knew it, I was thrown away, surprisingly I somehow managed to stay on my feet, clutching the two bleeding puncture wounds that were now on my neck, I looked behind me, at the man who held me captive with my eyes wide.

His eyes glistening in the darkness, bright red, the colour of blood. His fangs extending to his lower lip, was covered in blood, my blood. A vampire, I finally realized when my head started to clear up, the light-headedness now replaced with adrenaline. He was coughing up my blood as if it was disgusting. How rude.

I had never seen a vampire before in my life but i knew what to do to defend myself against them, my eyes looked around for something, anything hard and sharp. My eyes locked on an iron pipe near me, slowly with my eyes on the creature I headed towards the iron pipe. He was still coughing, but less violently than before. Just as I was about to reach for the pipe, a powerful pain hit me on my neck, much stronger than the bite. And it came from inside.

My head started to cloud up, and then everything went blank.


Thank you for your love and support, and for reading this far. This is my first novel so please be understanding towards any mistake and do let me know how to make it better.

With love, Zera Nightfall

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