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"How is camp going?" Mother asked sweetly. Her voice was always so soft you felt it was a cloud. She had that pull on people.

"Same as usual. Although I did win in a sparring match against Luke yesterday." I spoke proudly to her. She's always proud of me no matter what, and she makes sure I know that.

As we walked through my dream, I looked at all the colors around me; The flowers, the blue sky, and the water fountain.

My mother made sure to keep in contact with me frequently. She cared about me when no one else did. I looked up to her for that, I prayed to her for that. Not many kids at camp can say that.

"That's amazing my love. I'm so proud of you." She smiled gently. She took my hand in hers as she looked down on me. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"It's almost time for me to go, but I need to inform you of something coming. You cannot tell anyone or let anyone know what I have set you on. It could get you killed." Mother's voice went down an octave. I almost didn't want to know what could get me killed. Who would?

"Anything," I said after a second of thought. She took both my hands and led us to a bench right next to the fountain.

"A child has arrived at camp while you were here with me," she took a deep breath before she continued. " I believe Poseidon will claim him." Her eye contact held with mine.

A forbidden child?

So many questions swirled around my head. I had to tell myself to stop so I could reply.

"He's a forbidden child? How did he make it to camp?" I was now confused. Why was my mother telling me this? Why was this information going to get me killed?

"I do not know love. But if I'm right he gets claimed by Poseidon. It could get nasty on Olympus." Mother's voice sounded scared like she didn't know what to do if this were to happen.

"Why? He's just a kid." I asked. I grabbed her other hand as she looked at me. Her face was twisted with confusion as well.

"He is believed to be the lightning thief. The one who took my husband's bolt. The bolt is believed to help his father win the war that he started." The words all lingered in my mind. I was starting to make sense of what was happening or what could happen. This wasn't good at all.

Why would a child take the lightning bolt? How did he get to Olympus?

"What do you need me to do? I want to help." I sounded brave as ever or at least tried. Mother smiled at me like she expected me to say it. She trusted me with confidential information, I knew I needed to help her.

"You're so loyal and brave my love. I knew you'd help me," her face turned serious. " I need you to look out for anything off with him; behavior, souvenirs, anything. I'll be back tomorrow night, okay?" She stood up from the bench, parting our hands.

I stood up with her. She was so tall compared to my small frame.

I looked up at her as she looked down on me. Her gentleness radiated off her as if she was a star. She smiled at me and then cupped my cheeks. Pressing a kiss to the middle of my forehead.

"I love you so deeply." She said as her breath touched the tip of my nose. I found comfort in just being near her. The kind of comfort only a mother could give out. I blinked once and when I opened my eyes she was gone.


Annabeth had been caring for the child, Percy, in the big house. He had been out for what felt like forever.

I made my way down the hill to the house that sat near the lake. It was a peaceful sunny day at camp. I basked in the light before I reached the doors to go in.

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