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"Oh boy, I sure am hungry I could eat a snack or something." Blake said as they walked into the set for the video. The group was filming a cooking video and the kicker was that it was gonna be disgusting. Yeah...not the best idea but Isaac and Tanner were the cooks so that was a given. Lydia was running a little behind, something happened with one of her coworkers and she offered to take her last client since the client was already there.

"I could eat a horse." Nick said as he sat down across from Larry.

"I'm ssstArving!" Larry said before Blake did the lean product placement. Nick then found a lighter and lit the two tall candles next to Blake.

"Why is his flame bigger than mine?" Nick asked after Blake took the lighter and lit his own candle. Blake sat there with a grin acting as if he was talking about something else. Since, you know, they have the humor of a middle school boy, but who doesn't? Nick then tried to move the candles, but Blake wanted to keep them so he could have fun.

The first course; drinks. Isaac had gotten the large jug of which would hold said drink. Tanner tried to dump ice into the jugs but dropped so much ice. The plan was to just fill it with grape soda because purple drink. Halfway through Lydia had shown up.

"Lydia's here!" Tanner said running over and jumping up and down with her. She matched his energy and cheered along with him before realizing what they were doing. "Wanna do the honors?"

"Sure." She said taking the big foot gamer supps and dumping a little under half the container in the jug before stirring it.

"Call that shit giggity juice." He said as she stirred. Then they heard Larry scream at the top of his lungs before stopping abruptly.

"What's going on in there?" Lydia asked.

"Don't know." Isaac said and she nodded in understandment. After finally finishing the drink Lydia tried to pick it up and immediately gave up.

"Nah. I'll drop it." She said and Tanner picked it up. They brought it out and Blake was automatically skeptical. Isaac did the intro for the video as Lydia went and got a camera to help film. Isaac also introduced the dishes they would be making. The two cooks disappeared back into the kitchen as the guests (and Lydia) stayed in the dining room.

"Let's do- let's do something to pass the time. Cause I'm-I'm bored." Blake said relighting the candle for the hundredth time. Lydia went to grab one of the many bored games they bought for this.

"Don't hit the flame with the plastic hammer!" Lydia yelled when she saw Blake use the hammer from the don't break the ice game to extinguish the flame.

"It's Black!" He shouted showing it to her. "Oh my god it did actually melt a little bit."

"Stop! Leave em alone! No!" Lydia heard turning to Larry who was yelling at nick for burning the little penguin.

"He's a burn victim now!" Lydia shouted as she saw the burned plastic face of the small blue penguin.

"Oh god it stinks!" Nick shouted as he caught a wiff of the stink.

"You burnt plastic, so did you!" Larry said pointing to the two men.

"That's literally carcinogen that's like worse than smoking a whole blunt." Blake said.

𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒍𝒖𝒋𝒂𝒉, 𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒔𝒔 (𝒀𝒖𝒎𝒊)Where stories live. Discover now