♧2. Hidden Favours ♧

Start from the beginning

He wouldn't be here at all if he didn't need a good amount of money and fast. And being a bouncer, pretending that he at least knows how to fight sounds way better than going on stage, dancing and stripping for other people... they would only laugh at him. It hurts when people laugh at him. And he is sure that it would hurt more than some punches here and there he would get as a bouncer from disobeying customers.

But then, there is this one thing... Kim's skin itches even now, remembering the way Porchay's eyes looked him over, and his heart can't stop shaking, hearing Porchay's voice saying that he is pretty. For the first time in his life, Kim wants to believe it. He wants to look at himself and think—I am pretty. I am handsome. I am worthy of love. But it's hard. Maybe Porchay didn't even mean it. He most likely just said it to be nice. But, why would he want to be nice to Kim?

Maybe Kim shouldn't overthink so much. Maybe he shouldn't dwell on other's words so much. Maybe he shouldn't be still standing in the middle of the gym waiting for Porchay to come back when Kim isn't even sure if Porchay will indeed come back.

And yet, he is doing all of that. He is overthinking. He is dwelling on Porchay's words way too much. And he is hopelessly waiting for him to return... just to finally tell him that he should go home—the home that he will have no money to afford.

Kim sighs, and looks down, running his fingers over the wrist where he used to have the hair tie. He smiles—he was so happy when Porchay accepted it from him. If he is being honest with himself, he liked the way Porchay's hair turned messy and fell into his face, but Kim knew that it wasn't very practical, especially during a sparring session, so he was glad to help.

Ugh, maybe he shouldn't think so much about Porchay. They don't even know each other. The problem is when Kim finds something he likes—he gets attached. It always helped him when his father was toying with his mind and feelings. Kim just locked himself in his room and spent hours and days, reading his favourite books, playing with Kinn's old gun—it didn't have bullets in it so no one found it concerning, and Kim thinks that even if it had bullets, no one would care, definitely not his father. And sometimes Kim just spent nights upon nights writing—writing about the moon he loves so much, about the soothing sound of rain, or about how night feels safer because it's as if no one can see him in the dark. No one can see how ugly he is.

The voice right next to his ear startles him...

"Your hair tie," Porchay says, returning the hair tie to Kim.

Kim shakes his head, taking a step away from Porchay, "you can keep it, khun Porchay. I have many of them." That's a lie—this was the last one Kim had, but it's fine, he'll probably be able to find enough money to buy himself a new package.

Porchay smiles, and that's enough of a reward for Kim, "well, thank you, then. And no need to be so formal, just call me Chay. Usually, we pay our employees twice a month—at the beginning of the month and in the middle, is that okay with you?"

If it's okay with Kim to get paid twice a month? Wait... he is hired? Even though he doesn't even know how to punch someone? He'll have money to pay his rent? He'll finally be able to breathe properly? To have enough money to take care of himself?

"A-are you hiring me?"

"Looks like it," Porchay... no... Chay nods. "Here's the contract. Please fill in everything necessary, and because tomorrow is the half of the month, we'll send you the salary."

Kim's eyes go wide, "already? But... but I did nothing, yet."

"And you won't do much for a while because I have to train you first," Chay presses the contract on Kim's chest, "but yes, we'll be already paying you. However, as I said before—if you won't come to one of my trainings you are out."

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