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Rays of sunlight was peeking through the window of the Chinese's room. Who was sleeping peacefully. The Chinese boy named minghao groan when he hear the annoying sound of the alarm.

"Arghh....."Minghao groan again and pull duvet on his head covering himself with it.

"Okay okay I'm waking up....oh god.!!" He said while waking up and slamming his hand in alarm to stop it.

He gets up from his bed and stretched himself. Moaning while doing it. He make his way towards the bathroom and entered it. Grabbing his toothbrush.

He begin to brush his teeth. While brushing he make way towards his wardrobe and look for an outfit.

Soon he pick his outfit and entered in shower. He strip his cloths and turn on the shower. Relaxing after he feel not to warm and not so cold water running down his body.

After the shower he make his way towards his kitchen and make. Toast for himself. Putting it in his mouth he step out of his apartment.

After walking for about 10 minutes he was infront of his school gate. He entered the school fixing his bag that was on his shoulder. As he was walking he heard the voice of his bestfriend.

"Hao!! Wait." Minghao turned around as he see his bestfriend running to him.

He smile as he was standing beside him panting heavily. He chuckled when he see him panting more heavily dramatically.

"Here hosh!" Minghao said and hand hoshi also goes by soonyoung his water bottle.

"Oh finally you notice that I was asking for a water!" Soonyoung complaint as minghao roll his eyes.

They make their way inside. "So what subject you have first?!" Soonyoung asked as they take out their belongings from their lockers.

"English. What about you?." Minghao replied and wait for the older for answer.

"We have history." Soonyoung grinned when he see minghao blushing as he say 'we'.

Minghao closed his locker and walk further. Soonyoung just laughed and follow him behind.

They were talking while going to their own classes when minghao saw him. He smile shyly and look him. There he was, minghao's crush walking towards him.

Minghao straightened his stare when he see him coming closer. Soonyoung notice that and smirk as he thinks of an evil idea.

"Hey junhui!" As soonyoung call the other Chinese who was going to his locker. Junhui turned around and see his friend.

"Oh shit!!" Minghao mumble and trying to run away from there. But as he was going to run he feel his bag pulling him back at his place.

"Soonyoung for the fuck sake let me--" as minghao tuned around to curse the hell out of soonyoung but he was shocked to see junhui looking at him with surprised face.

"Uhh.." minghao nervously muttered.

"Why do you always run away when I'm near you.." junhui asked irritatingly. Minghao blush and look down.

Junhui rolled his eyes and grab minghao's chin making him look at his eyes. "Please answer me."

Minghao blush and look into his eyes before closing it. "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!!"

Minghao shout and run away from there. Junhui looking at his back with pink cheeks. He smile before running behind him.

"HEY...WAIT I LIKE YOU TOO!!!" Junhui shout and run behind minghao. Both laughing during it.

"Uhhhhh....... What about me then?!" Soonyoung look around and see hallway empty.

"YAHHH!!!! YOU FUCKERS WAIT FOR ME!!" Soonyoung shot and run behind the couple who were not in his sight but still he shout.

He was running at full speed but then a small kid walk infront of him. Soonyoung widen his eyes and try to stop but it was too late. He was on top of the kid.

"Yahh....kidsare not allowed her-- aishhhh!" Soonyoung groan when he feel the kid punching him.

"I'm not a kid....I'm also  astude t fucker." He said while getting and started togather all his stuff that were on the floor.

Soonyoung nervously laugh and help him with his stuff. Soonyoung pick up his Id card.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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