Little White Lies

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Charlie glanced down at herself and saw she wasn't in her body. Because the last time she checked, she wasn't muscular and tan with broad shoulders and pecs.

So it seemed like his memory wouldn't just be vivid. She was going to be getting a firsthand experience.

Like one of those dreams where you're still experiencing everything in first person, but you're not you. You don't look like you or act like you, but everything that happens is happening to you.

So Charlie became a silent observer and let Adam's memory play out.


"Greetings, Adam," a voice said above him. Adam looked up and saw a circle of iridescent beings hovering in the air with warm smiles on their faces. But one of them, the one with blond hair and pale white skin, was smiling the widest.

"My name is Sera and I am part of the seraphim, the highest order of the angels meant to watch over you and to guide you," the being with dark skin and white hair spoke again. "You have been created to work and take care of this garden called Eden. Everything you see is meant to be yours. You can eat any fruit in this garden except for the one that comes from that tree."

Adam turned his head where Sera pointed her finger. In the middle of the garden stood the largest tree with red-colored fruits hanging off it. He was about to ask why, but Sera must've read his mind since she answered,

"Because that is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And if you eat from that tree, you will die."

Another angel came forth, closely resembling the angel with the pale white skin. But unlike him, this one had blond curly hair up to his shoulders and was dressed in an armored chest plate. "I am Michael, the archangel. You are also to name all the creatures and whatever you name them, that shall be their name."

Adam nodded with understanding when he felt a sudden presence beside him. He turned and saw another human standing in front of him. But this human was not built like him. She was softer-looking, slimmer, and had long blonde hair that shimmered down to her ankles.

He felt a stirring in his heart as he stared at her. Her baby blue eyes locked onto his with equal curiosity and her pink lips turned up into a smile.

Just then, a third angel with dark curly hair and a beard to match spoke up. "I am Gabriel. It has been decided it is not good for man to be alone. So a partner has been created to help you from the same dust as you have."

Adam could barely hear the angel as he continued to gaze at his partner. What little he had seen of Eden was incomparable to her beauty.

"Her name will be Lilith. And if you are known as a man, then she will be known as a woman," Gabriel continued.

"Lilith," Adam repeated, liking the way her name rolled off his tongue. "I am Adam."

Her smile only grew brighter. "It's nice to meet you."

"So...uh..." Adam was at a sudden loss for words. "Do you want to... do an activity?"

A burst of chuckles and coos erupted from the group of angels, causing a rush of blood to bloom across Adam's face.

Lilith also giggled. "What kind of activity?"

"Uh..." What did humans even do? This was all so new to him that he had no idea what to even suggest. He glanced towards the angels for some divine intervention.

"What about going down to the beach? The sunsets around this time are spectacular. " The angel with the blond hair and pale skin, who had previously been silent this entire time, dropped to the ground. He was the smallest out of all the angels, but that didn't make him any less impressive. His appearance was so unique compared to his fellow angels not only due to his short stature but because of his rosy cheeks and the gold flecks in his hair. If it wasn't for Lilith in front of him, Adam would've thought he was the most beautiful creation.

Adam mouthed a silent "thank you" to him before turning to Lilith and grabbing her hands. "What do you say?"

Lilith nodded her head eagerly. "We've never seen a beach or a sunset before. And afterward, we can go explore the garden. And then we can go try the different fruits and decide which one is our favorite. Then, at night-"

"Okay, okay." Adam laughed as he guided her away from the angels. They spent the next hour walking along the beach in silence, still in complete awe of this new world created just for them. One thing Adam immediately enjoyed was how his toes felt in the sand when the waves came crashing against the shoreline.

"Adam! Come try this!" Lilith pulled him over to where she stood. "Stand here and let the waves chase after you. Like this!"

She started running as the waves chased after her, laughing and squealing. Adam followed after her, unable to resist her infectious laugh. They continued doing this for several minutes until they both collapsed into the sand, their chests heaving and tears streaming down their eyes.

"That angel was right. The sunset is spectacular." Adam stared towards the sun as it began to melt into the water, creating a burst of orange and yellow that blended perfectly against the backdrop of the sky.

"Yes, it really is." Lilith leaned her head against Adam's shoulder. He ran his fingers through her hair, curling the blonde strands and then releasing them.

"Hey!" a chipper voice said behind them. "Just wanted to check in and see if you two needed anything."

Adam and Lilith both turned their heads and saw one of the angels waving at them. It was the same one who had suggested they come here in the first place.

"Thanks but we're-"

"I'm ready to eat now." Lilith rose from the sand and dusted herself off.

"Perfect! We have all sorts of fruits you can taste! My personal favorites are the apples, which by the way, don't eat the ones from that enormous tree in the middle of the garden. But any other tree, you can eat from!" The angel's grin never once left his face and never even wavered.

"Thank you..." Lilith frowned. "Um, I don't know what to call you."

"Oh, where are my manners? My name's Lucifer! But everyone calls me Luci for short." He stuck out his hand for her to shake. Lilith only stared back at him, her eyes darting between his eager smile and outstretched hand.

"Never mind about that!" Luci retracted his hand after a few moments of awkward silence. "So what are you two craving? Something sweet? Something tart? Something that's a bit of both?"

"Sweet," Adam answered just as Lilith said, "tart."

"Hm." Luci tapped his cheek. "I think I know just what you're looking for! If you'll follow me, please."

Adam wasn't sure why he grabbed Lilith's hand when he did. Part of him thought it was because he enjoyed how small hers were compared to his. But another part of him, from somewhere deep within the recesses of his soul, told him there was something else behind that gesture.

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