Chapter 22 - Did you hit Violetta?

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After a while with Federico and Ludmila, Federico went into the kitchen and ludmila sat on the stool she was drinking her coffee and Federico was making one but turned toward her.

Ludmila: Hi my love, did you talk to Leon?

Federico: Yeah, I'm guessing you talked to violetta because I saw her walk in with a bloody nose so tell me did you beat her up?

Ludmila: ...........

Federico: Answer me truthfully, did you beat up violetta?

Ludmila: yes I did

Federico: but why?

Ludmila: because she's a spoilt brat, she deserves bad, not good

Federico: she's my sister, I'm sorry Ludmila but I can't marry I should've known you wouldn't change how can I expect you to be my wife and Violetta's sister-in-law when she could end up dead if I was to leave her with you

Ludmila: But I have changed Federico

Federico: yeah but beating up Violetta proves different

Ludmila: Please Fede don't leave me, I'll apologise to Violetta just don't leave me

Federico took an apple and was about to leave.

Federico: I need you to pack your things and get out of my house.

Ludmila: you'll regret this Federico.

Federico: no the only thing I regret is arguing with my sister over you but I no longer

He left the kitchen and Ludmila cried and went to Violetta's house

Leon: Ludmila?

Ludmila: is your brat wife here?

Violetta: *on the piano* what do you want Ludmila?

Ludmila: Can you leave us alone Leon?

Leon looked at violetta and nodded, and he went upstairs, Violetta was on the piano and Ludmila leaned on the piano she was quite angry. 

Ludmila: I hope you are happy

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Ludmila: I hope you are happy.

Violetta: About what Ludmila?

Ludmila: I'm not getting married anymore.

Violetta: What? How come?

Ludmila: because of you, telling Federico what I did to you he wants nothing to do with me and he wants me out of the house so congratulations you got what you wanted. 

Violetta: You think this is what I wanted, You're wrong Ludmila. 

Ludmila: What?

Violetta: You put this on yourself if you didn't abuse me you would be in a wedding dress right now but you're not because you make stupid mistakes. 

Ludmila: Whatever, I'm going because I have to pack my stuff. 

She left and Leon came downstairs and sat beside her on the piano. 

Leon: what did she want?

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Leon: what did she want?

Violetta: Nothing, she's not getting married, Federico kicked her out.

Leon: oh I never thought he would do it but he did.

Violetta: Is it my fault that they're not getting married?

Leon: No baby, she's the one who beat you up and I think Federico is seeing that Ludmila can't change he just wants to protect you, your his sister.

Violetta: I know but what if ludmila gets revenge on me?

Leon: Babe that's not going to happen, besides me and Federico won't allow that.

Violetta: *cuddles her* I love you.

Leon: I love you too.

Violetta: I love you more.

Leon: No, I love you more.

Warning: sexual content *12+*

Violetta kissed him playfully and then they kissed again it was a long make out, Violetta took his shirt off and he took her top off, Leon was kissing her neck, and she moaned, Violetta put her legs around his waist Violetta unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his boxers down.

Leon took her to the sofa whilst taking her jeans off and pants along with her bra, Leon put himself in her and was thrusting in and out of her, violetta's moans got louder and she put her hand through his hair, Leon whispered in her hair.

Leon: come for me, baby.

Violetta: I can't Leon.

Leon: You can don't tighten yourself up just let yourself lose.

He thrusts harder, Violetta is moaning and she feels like she is going to explode but her stomach explodes with white liquid.

Leon: *Pulls out of her* good girl.

Violetta: But now it's all over me.

Leon licked her p*ssy and she moaned then Leon cleaned her up and took the blanket from the back of the sofa and covered them with it.

Violetta: Mm. I never get enough of you.

Leon: That's good right?

Violetta: Yes, Leon.

Leon: You made me sweat.

Violetta: More like you made me sweat.

Leon: Oh yeah well it's your turn to give me pleasure Mm?

Violetta: I'm too tired.

Leon: yeah, right I'm the tired one, not you.

Violetta sat on his lap and he held her thigh Violetta licked his manhood and put it in her mouth, you can imagine what else she did, then she got off him and they fell asleep in each other's arms. 

A/N: ~

Will Federico and Ludmila get married?

Is Violetta feeling guilty?

Is Ludmila going to change?

Can Federico trust Ludmila again?

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- Rebecca ❤❤

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