Chapter 6 - Surprise date night.

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Leon ~

I woke up with a little bit of a hangover when I looked over to Violetta, she didn't cuddle me all night, but I couldn't remember most of yesterday after I got drunk. As I leaned over her and put my arm around her she was shivering as if she was cold, while I was stroking her head she started waking up.

Violetta: *half asleep* Hmm, that feels good.

Leon: Morning, beautiful.

I let her turn in my arms, but instead, she got up and left me on my own, she started getting dressed, and I was so confused I needed to question her.

Leon: Uh, my love, where are you going?

Violetta: I have work, Leon.

Leon: No, you have the morning with your husband.

Violetta: *Thinks of an excuse* Well, I have a meeting this morning.

Leon: Baby, are you just making up excuses to not spend the morning with me?

Violetta: What? Leon, I don't use my work as an excuse like you, I love my job.

Leon: *Puts his hands up* Okay, fine.

Violetta carried on getting dressed while I was watching her dress, she was so beautiful, and when she looked in the mirror I saw her red cheek like she was slapped.

Leon: Baby, why have you got a red cheek?

Violetta: I don't want to talk about it, Leon, although you should remember.

Leon: Wait, are you saying that I did that to you?

Violetta: I told you don't want to talk about it, well, I'm going now.

Leon: What, so I don't even get a kiss goodbye, baby, why are you acting like you are just a part of my f*ck pad?

Violetta: Because that's how you see me, Leon, the ring on your finger doesn't mean anything to you as it means something to me.

Leon: Wait...

Violetta started walking downstairs as I stood on the balcony to stop her from leaving, but she wasn't listening. She just walked out the door, what did I do to her? What does she mean by I see her as my f*ckpad? Of course, my wedding ring means something to me.

I got dressed as I had a meeting as well. When I got dressed, I grabbed my sunglasses off the cupboard as it was 24 degrees and the sun was hot today, I wore just a shirt and jeans as it was warm, I didn't need my suit jacket, I got in the car and drove to my business block.

When I got there, I locked the car while walking towards the office doors, as I walked through the reception there, he was the man I hated.

Mr. Jiménez: Well, Leon Vargas, did you change your mind on instructing my daughter?

Leon: Hmm, let me think, no I didn't.

Mr. Jiménez: As I said, stubborn as your father.

Leon: Yes, and I will stay stubborn until you get the answer through your head, I am not teaching your slag of a daughter.

Mr. Jiménez: Excuse me?

Leon: You heard me, now before I kick you out, leave me alone.

Violetta ~

Well, once I left Leon this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about last night the way he got drunk and he laid a hand on me, I never thought I would see Leon's abusive side in my life, which scares me the most is what If this isn't the last time, he does it, what if he starts doing as a habit.

Mrs Vargas will see you now. *Sequel to Forbidden Surrender. *Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang