Chapter 20 ~ We're figuring something out:

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Leon woke up to Violetta holding his hand she was crying,

Leon: *opens one eye* Babe, you've been crying all night I should know because you woke me up once

Violetta: Leon I can't help it I just feel guilty. 

Leon: babe it's over now we have each other he or Lara are never coming between us again.

Viletta: How can you be so sure?

Leon: I'm sure baby believe me just trust me.

Violetta: But I can't believe that he would do that.

Leon: Then let it go otherwise you'll suffer if you keep thinking about it

Violetta: Okay, you're right I love you *Cuddles him*

Leon: *lets her cuddle him* I love you too. 

They slept in a bit until Violetta woke up and got dressed then the door went so Violetta answered the door. 

Violetta: Clemont, have you had enough of me yet?

Clemont: come for a coffee with me?

Violetta: No, I'm not interested in you.

Clemont: Fine as friends won't you allow that? 

Violetta: What makes you think I want to be your friend Clemont?

Clemont: Do you get it?

Violetta: Get what?

Clemont: That we are supposed to be together. 

Violetta: Wow you lasted 5 seconds. 

Clemont: Okay you're right I shouldn't have said that

Leon: *Comes behind* Said what? *Holds Violetta's waist* What are you doing here Clemont?

Vilu: He wanted me to go for a coffee with him but I said no

Leon: Too right and all now get out now

Clemont left and Leon kissed violetta

Violetta: You didn't need to be like that with him Leon?

Leon: I don't trust him, baby. 

Violetta: Leon, you can't be like that promise me you'll be nice to him. 

Leon: I'm not the type to be nice to someone. 

Violetta: You either be nice or you can forget me. 

Leon: *Grabs her hand* hang on you would leave me if I don't be nice to Clemont are you joking with me? Tell me you're not serious.

Violetta: Oh I'm serious and if you don't be nice to Clemont I will leave you. 

Leon: No way. 

She kissed his lips and walked out of the house, leaving Leon confused about what she just said

Leon called her and she didn't answer, so he sat on the sofa and the door went so he answered it and saw Federico. 

Leon: Oh, hey Federico what are you doing here?

Federico: I'm here to ask you a question. 

Leon: Do you want a drink?

Federico: I'll have a beer. 

Leon: sure so what is the question? *getting the beer*

Federico: Are Violetta and you coming to the wedding?

Leon: *Gives him the bottle of beer* I don't think Violetta is up for it, it is her enemy at the end of the day.

Federico: I know but Ludmila has changed. 

Leon: I'll talk to her and ask her but I don't think she will. 

Federico: where is she?

Leon: she went out but she'll be back soon. 

Federico: oh so can I wait for her?

Leon: sure just don't pressure her Fede you know what she's like

Federico: your right I won't pressure her I'll let her think about it

Leon: Good because that's all I ask. 

Federico and Leon were on the sofa talking about his wedding and what he was wearing. 


Will Violetta go to Federico's wedding?

Will Federico pressure her?

Is Leon going to make Violetta go to the wedding?

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments ❤❤❤

I love you all

- Rebecca

Mrs Vargas will see you now. *Sequel to Forbidden Surrender. *Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon