Chapter 17 ~ Meeting Federico's Fiancee:

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Leon woke up but didn't see Violetta but he could hear music like the radio in the kitchen, so he stayed in his boxers, but he didn't put a top on, he walked downstairs and went into the kitchen, but he leaned on the doorframe while watching her dance but it was sexy, she then turned around and saw him there.

Violetta: *Embarrassed* Leon, I didn't know you were there, how long have you been standing there?

Leon: *Laughs*Don't be embarrassed, I haven't been standing here that long. *Walks towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist* besides seeing you dance like that kind of turned me on.

Violetta: *Holds his hands* Does it now?

Leon: *Kisses her neck* Yes, it does.

Violetta: Do you know what turns me on?

Leon: What?

Violetta: *Puts her head on his shoulder* The way you hold me.

She was about to say something when the phone rang.

Violetta: I'll get it.

She answered the phone it was Federico

Phone conversation ~

Violetta: Hello Mrs Vargas speaking who is this?

Federico: Hey, Mrs Vargas this is your brother remember me?

Violetta: Oh, hi Federico what can I do for you?

Federico: I hope you can have a good relationship with my fiancé and help her find a dress.

Violetta: What?

Federico: I'm getting married to Ludmila.

Violetta: WHAT!!!

Federico: Look, I know you don't like her but please come over tonight for dinner and bring Leon.

Violetta: I don't think I can, I'm sorry but I don't want to ruin the night.

Federico: Please Vilu give her a chance? I always do things you want me to do please do this for me? One night that's all I'm asking just to give her one night.

Violetta: No, Federico I can't I'm sorry, but she is part of my past she bullied me and now she's going to be my sister-in-law just no.

Federico: I have never been so disappointed in you Violetta I thought you would be at least do me a favour since I put up with you and Leon together, but I was wrong you don't care about me anymore have a great night.

He hung up and Violetta cried after putting the phone down then Leon walked in.

Leon: Baby, why are you crying? Who was on the phone?

Violetta: Federico is getting married to Ludmila.

Leon: Oh, but why is that upsetting to you?

Violetta: He invited me and you over for dinner, but I can't go.

Leon: Why not? He's your brother.

Violetta: Yeah, and she's going to be my sister-in-law and I can't what she did to me in the past it hurts me even now

Leon: Why? what did you she do?

Violetta: Can I trust you?

Leon: of course.

They sat down on the sofa and Vilu just held his leg while he held her hand that was on top of his leg.

Violetta: Ludmila was a popular girl in my school and she always bullied me, but because I lost my mom when I was five years so my dad remarried Angie, so now me and Federico call her mom but she's Federico's mom but not my mum, whenever I went to school I always got harassed by Ludmila she used to send me cruel texts and used to rip up my homework so it would seem I didn't do my homework and she always wanted me to get into trouble but she was happy about it.

Mrs Vargas will see you now. *Sequel to Forbidden Surrender. *Where stories live. Discover now