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This fanfiction story is a work of fiction based on the characters and world created by J.K. Rowling in the Harry Potter series. While some original characters, such as Rosalind and Estella, are created by the author of this fanfic, the majority of the characters, settings, and concepts are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling and her affiliated publishers.

The author of this fanfiction acknowledges that they do not own the rights to the Harry Potter franchise, and this story is intended solely for entertainment purposes within the fan community.

Furthermore, this fanfiction may include significant alterations to the original Harry Potter storyline, including but not limited to changes in character relationships, events, and outcomes. These alterations are made for the purpose of creating an original narrative and do not reflect the intentions or canon of J.K. Rowling.

Readers are encouraged to enjoy this fanfiction with an understanding that it is a derivative work inspired by the Harry Potter series, and that all credit for the original creation belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Please note that in further chapters, there may be mature scenes included. These scenes are not intended to offend or impose upon any individual's ideologies or beliefs; rather, they are presented within the context of a fanfiction narrative. We kindly ask readers to approach this work as a piece of fanfiction, understanding that it is created for entertainment purposes only.

 We kindly ask readers to approach this work as a piece of fanfiction, understanding that it is created for entertainment purposes only

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