Chapter XVII

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The click of the phone call ending echoed in my ears, leaving behind a hollow feeling as I prepared to change into something more comfortable. Finally, I'll be on my way home.

As I stepped into the elevator, the familiar anticipation of seeing her flickered within me.

It had been weeks since we'd last spoken, weeks filled with a whirlpool of emotions I struggled to contain. Avoidance had become my armor, a feeble attempt to grant her space while wrestling with my own conflicted feelings.

The uncertainty gnawed at me. Did she share the same turmoil, hidden beneath a veil of indecision? I couldn't shake the hope that perhaps, just perhaps, her heart harbored echoes of my own. 

It was evident that she was grappling with her emotions, the whirlwind of feelings catching her off guard. Everything had unfolded so quickly, leaving her unsure of where she stood. Perhaps buried beneath her hesitation lay a glimmer of something more, a sentiment she wasn't ready to confront. But for now, all I could do was wait, hoping that time would offer clarity amidst the confusion.

A smile tugged at my lips as I replayed our chance encounter earlier. Her ability to surprise me, even amidst the chaos, never ceased to amaze. Today, her unexpected approach had lifted a weight I hadn't realized I carried.

Lost in thought, I nearly collided with her friend, confusion clouding my mind. Before I could utter a word, her sudden aggression caught me off guard, her hand gripping my collar with an intensity that bordered on desperation. Instinctively, I pushed her away, my irritation mounting.

"What is wrong with you?" I demanded, my annoyance palpable. But her bewildered expression offered no answers, leaving me to wonder at the motives behind her inexplicable actions.

"Sorry, miss, I thought you were—" Her words trailed off as her gaze shifted, and I followed her line of sight to see Zephyra in the distance, her figure disappearing into the crowd.

"I have to go," I muttered, cutting off the conversation abruptly. Ignoring her friend's bewildered expression, I hurried after Zephyra, my confusion giving way to concern as I tried to unravel the mystery behind her sudden departure.

"Hey, why ar—" I began to question, reaching out to stop her, but she didn't even glance in my direction. Confusion knotted in my stomach as she forcefully wrenched her arm away, causing me to loosen my grip. I watched, perplexed, as she darted away, her actions leaving me bewildered and concerned.

A soft sniffle reached my ears, and I froze, uncertainty clawing at my chest. Was she crying? The thought sent a surge of alarm through me, propelling me forward in pursuit. But before I could catch up, she came to an abrupt halt, her gaze fixated on something—or someone—else.

My heart sank as I followed her line of sight, dreading what I might find. Whatever had caused her distress, I knew it ran deeper than I could fathom. And as she stood there, her emotions laid bare for all to see, I realized just how powerless I was to ease her pain.

"Well, that must be traumatic for her" came a mocking voice from behind me, sending a shiver down my spine. I knew that voice all too well—the voice of my sister, a constant source of turmoil in my life.

Before she could finish her sentence, I grabbed her arm and dragged her into a nearby room, my frustration boiling over. What was she doing here? I had made it clear that she was not welcome at this school.

"What have you done?" I seethed, my anger bubbling to the surface as she continued to laugh, seemingly amused by my distress. I couldn't believe she had the audacity to show up here, to disrupt my life once again.

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