Ch. 9: Overprotective

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Amity was pacing in the Owl House, because now Cat wasn't answering her calls!

She had just left an hour ago and she hadn't gotten through! Could she have already ran into trouble or was she-

'No! No! Your friend is alive! They all are alive!' Amity thought, not wanting to think about death.

"Amity, you're going to put a whole in the floor if you keep this up." Luz said, watching her from the couch.

"Well what am I supposed to do?! My friends aren't answering their scrolls and we have titan trappers trying to kill us!" Amity shouted.

"I know but worrying won't help. If you want and if you don't mind the invasion of privacy, we have a recipe for a Scrying Spell." Luz said.

"... No, that's going too far." Amity said after a pause.

"Do you're just going to continue pacing while calling their scrolls like crazy?" Luz asked.

"Yep!" Amity said, going back to her scroll and calling Gus. "Come on, come on, come on."

"Hello, you got Gus Porter." Gus said through the scroll.

"Gus! Oh thank titan, you answered!" Amity said happily. "Have you heard from Willow or Hunter?"

"Yeah, I heard from them a few minutes ago. They said they were going to the movies." Gus said.

'So that's why they aren't answering their scrolls!' Amity thought, feeling at least SOME relief.

"We have some big problems, Titan problems even!" Amity said.

"Titan problems?" Gus asked in shock.

"Yes! We've got Titan Trappers hunting for us! A group of them just attacked the owl house with me, Luz, King, and Cat inside!" Amity said. "I need you to let Hunter and Willow know about this and meet me here tomorrow."

"On it! Don't worry, we'll be there by 5:00pm on the dot!" Gus said with a firm tone.

"Good!" Amity said with a nod.

"But first, do you mind if I grab dinner along the way? No offense but I can't trust whatever Eda makes in her house." Gus said.

"Fine but it's your loss. Eda is a pretty good cook." Amity said before ending the call.

That's when Amity saw Luz up from the couch and the one pacing now.

"Seriously, you just got on my case about that!" Amity said, hands on her hips.

"Well now I'm worried." Luz said, biting her finger nails. "If they have Archivist blades, what if they have a portal to the human realm? They could go after my mom."

"If they had a portal to the human realm, they could've used it when the Collector was unleashed........and maybe if they didn't worship him." Amity said.

"Still! I should properly call mom and see how she's doing just to be sure." Luz said, pulling out her phone.

And that's when she noticed... her phone was broken.

"Damn it! Must've gotten broke in the fight!" Luz said.

"Do you know if your scroll works or if Eda has any other working human phones?" Amity asked.

"No. I told Eda to not steal anymore phones, because the cops have been getting serious about that, and my scroll is charging." Luz said.

"Hmmm, then maybe that Scrying Spell you said could help? But maybe add a little Titan's blood so it can be used as a crystal ball call." Amity suggested.

The Forbidden Drink III: Titanic ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now