Ch. 3: Uninvited Guests

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Luz swam to shore with her catch, smiling the entire time.

"Nothing like wrestling a 15 foot long fish to the death." Luz said, dragging her fish onto land.

It wasn't as long as a Red Fang but it would still be a delicious meal.

"I always did like Sushi!" Luz said, taking a bite of her raw meal. "Mmm, nice and juicy. King is gonna love this!"

Suddenly, Luz heard something and swallowed her food before she waited. Listening for it closer. She held her hand out and caught a spear. Luz recognized it.

"Titan Trapper." She growled, before dodging an attack from one.

"ATTACK!" A trapper shouted, flying in the air with his wings.

This was the very same trapper that tricked Luz and King all those years ago, Tarak.

Luz growled and cracked her knuckles, not wanting to have seen him ever again.

'I'm going to get revenge on you for trying to kill King.' Luz thought.

"WEH!" Her bi blast ripples through the air, hitting Tarak dead on as he fell back but regained his flight!

"You will pay for what you've done, Titan!" He shouted before diving at Luz.

"Oh, trust me, I'm not the one that will be paying." Luz said cracking her knuckles, "Why are you here?"

Luz dodged his attack as Tarak landed, cracking the ground under him. He charged at her and attacking, punching and blasting as Luz dodged them all.

'Too easy to read and too predictable.' Luz thought before teleporting behind him!

"Huh?!" He let out, looking around.

Luz ran and delivered a punch to him, knocking him back. Luz didn't let up as she delivered several punches to his stomach, and then an uppercut, knocking the skull off his head.

"You don't deserve to wear that." Luz said, kicking the skull behind her, "That size means it was a child... if there's one thing I hate, it's killing children."

"Don't speak to me about morals, beast." Tarak said.

He tried to charge at her, but she grabbed him by the neck and held him above the ground.

"I'm going to ask one more time, why are you here?" Luz demanded, "Don't make me ask for a third time."

"Ptoo!" Tarak spits, making Luz move her head.

"Motherfucker." Luz said with a sigh. "I was really hoping to never use on someone, but you just like to be difficult."

Luz held up her empty hand, creating a floating glyph combo. The PETRIFICATION glyph combo. Stone began creeping its way up his legs.

"I can stop it, if you answer my question." Luz said.

Tarak groaned as he felt his body getting "stiffer" as he saw it spread at a moderate pace.

"Y-You wouldn't! You don't have the nerve!" Heavy said to her, hiding his fear.

"You tried to kill my little brother, I have plenty of fucking nerve." Luz said, "Now talk!"

Tarak flinched as his entire lower half was "stiff" and it was still spreading.

"I-I am just the distraction!" Tarak said.

"Dis-Of course there more of you around." Luz said blankly before creating multiple light glyphs around her.

She fired multiple, (non lethal) beams of light.

"I need more information!" Luz shouted.

Multiple groans were heard around her, hitting Titan Trappers that were hidden in the forest!

"We are going after the young one first!" Tarak admitted.

"Well then." Luz said as her "petrification"/illusion spell went away, making Tarak look normal again, "Let me tell you something."

"W-w-what!?" He said in shock since it felt so real on his skin. "You weren't actually petrifying me-"

Luz grabbed him by the neck, holding him up in the air.

"If you touch King, I will make the Titan Trappers extinct!" Luz said, "Got it?!"

Tarak saw Luz's eyes glow, shivering in fear as he felt he was standing before a GIANT Titan right now and she was about to crush him!

"I said GOT IT?!" Luz screamed at him.

"Y-Yes!" Tarak said with a fearful nod.

"Good. Now take a nap." Luz said before SLAMMING him into the ground, knocking him out.

She then rushed back to the owl house.

'I'm going to need to tell King.' Luz thought, their food would have to wait.

The Forbidden Drink III: Titanic ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now