This part is about cheese

Magsimula sa umpisa

Following Rosslyn was already getting difficult, but this journey wouldn't be fun if it was easy. Rosslyn took a turn down a street, but not just any street, Over street, a street reserved for merchants, trading, and losing a rat you're trying to follow. The street was long and had shops, food stands, and even carnival games, and between it all was dozens upon dozens of kids, traders, and people looking to buy whatever they might want. And they were all in my way!

Rosslyn jumped through the legs of passing bystanders, but it wasn't that easy for me. Instead, I had to dodge past the people walking by or awkwardly shuffle by them.
By the time I pushed past a big man outside a hot dog stand, Rosslyn was jumping from shop to shop.

I tried pushing past more people as it got more crowded, while Rosslyn was swinging from hanging sausages. I was starting to lose her already, so of course that meant that a man with an afro the size of a watermelon stopped me.

"Sir, Sir! You must try my signature Bronta soup!"

He had a bowl of an orange chunky soup that hummed quietly, and when I say hum, I mean, it was actually humming a song. I pushed him to the side and accidentally spilled his soup on him, simultaneously knocking him into a bunch of other people as they yelled and fell over like dominos.

A bunch of people were walking in a line, playing trumpets, and banjos crossed my path. I stopped before them dancing uncomfortably before passing them, hoping they would leave me alone, but instead, they followed me. I tried to laugh it off and slowly stop dancing, but they started bumping into me to dance harder and keep leading them. I decided to just completely stop and start running from them, but they ran with me, playing faster and louder as they ran.

I guess violence was the only option. I grabbed the lead banjo players' instrument and chucked it away, but someone that wasn't even part of the group grabbed it out of the air and started playing it without missing a beat.
"Take a hike, would you!"
They all looked at me confused as they continued playing.
"Get lost!"
They started playing slower and whispering to each other very concerned.
"It means leave me alone, you nutjobs!"

The lead banjo player walked up to me slowly with a frown, then said, "Nutjobs.... Fellas! We have our band name!"

They started cheering and walking away to torment someone else. What a band of dedicated men and women focused on the art of music. Anyways.

Rosslyn was getting farther away, running across clotheslines. I continued running as fast as I could to catch up to her. I tried yelling, "Rosslyn! Slow down!" But it was way too loud for her to hear me.

I kicked past a couple of kids playing with a ball, ruining their game of dribbler ball, and tripped over someone's dog. They had an afro the size of a watermelon and a bowl of Bronta soup on their back that I knocked over.
"What the heck, man?! My soup!"
I apologized before getting up and running after Rosslyn.

Rosslyn was getting way too far away. If I lost her, it would be catastrophic. To my right, I heard a lady with... of course... an afro the size of a watermelon walking out of a house with... Bronta soup. This wasn't a national haircut or anything. They must all be family. Regardless, Rosslyn was getting way too far, so I had to do what I had to do.

I apologized to the lady before running past her and tragically knocking her bowl over by accident. "NOOOOO!"
I ran into their house, climbing up the stairs and barging into a room facing the street. I was ready to jump out the window and climb onto the roof to follow Rosslyn easier when I saw a kid in the bed of the room.

I already knew the pattern enough to know she had a huge Afro and Bronta soup. I didn't even make her drop it. She just dropped it on her own.
"...I don't even know if I should say sorry." Before I could decide, I jumped through the window and jumped up, climbing on top of the roof.

I ran as fast as I possibly could to catch up to Rosslyn, who had just turned a corner. I jumped from roof to roof, ignoring the deadly fall in between each gap. I stopped and slid down a pipe before following her into an alley.

Finally, Rosslyn stopped. Right outside...
"A cheese mill?!... You said -"

"We need to be here! Honestly, you gotta believe me!"

"No! We are going to Artlandia, and we're not stopping for cheese of any kind on the way!"

"Any kind?! Look, I know a guy. My memory may not be... the best, but I remember a man, he can help us. We need him, Harlen."

I gave a long sigh and rolled my eyes.

Rosslyn scurried over to the side of the cheese mill and pointed at a cheese maker, taking out the trash. "Him."

"Hmm, suspicious. Why?" Rosslyn put up her little paws up in defense. "I can't tell you, but you have to believe me. Why would I put the fate of the three kingdoms on the line if it wasn't?"

Rosslyn really seemed to mean it, and there really didn't seem like a reason to lie about this when we already had so little time. "...Alright, I trust you. So, are we just gonna go in there and talk to him?"

Rosslyn shook her head, laughing.
"What? No, silly. We're gonna a kidnap him."

The GuardianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon