Falling to my death

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Editors note: replace mast with hull/wall

When I opened my eyes, I saw Artemis.
Just a minute ago, I was falling, and now I was high up on a giant sandstone platform with the guardian of Artlandia.

She seemed even weaker than before, burn marks covering her shredded scales, her breathing raspy and slow. Most of her orange and green scales were fading in color from how weak she was. But thankfully, she still had the power to speak.

"Harlen... save my people... save my kingdom... save my land... before you even think of saving me."

I could feel the hurt in her voice echoing throughout this dream I was in. I tried to speak, but I couldn't, like my voice had just been taken away from me. I tried to reach out, but nothing was there. I was only here in spirit, yet somehow Artemis knew I was right there before her.

I noticed the desert behind her growing ever more distasteful. The life that was growing off the pyramid was starting to wither away. The yellow liquid was pouring faster, rushing like a river. But most noticeable of them all. The bazaars and towns in the distance were covered with white flags and black colored soldiers. The attire of the Old Testament, and the sign of their taking over.

Right behind me was a silhouette I couldn't make out at all. I couldn't tell if they were small as a bug or big as a giant. I couldn't tell if they were peaceful or deadly, good or bad, or even strong or weak. It was just an everchanging silhouette like Zyloff and his two men. Maybe my brain couldn't comprehend what they looked like, or maybe this was just their actual form. But if one thing was for sure, I know that I'd meet them sooner or later.

My dream state slowly drifted until I was back in the cave at the Lanta Grove.
It was slightly brighter, revealing crystal chandeliers and amethyst statues. Where the four heroes representing me, Rosslyn, Mamble, and the fourth one, now had Rosslyns volcano.

Tufts of green mist rose from the smoke of the volcanos pit. The green clouds were more vibrant, and the grounds seemed more lively and bubbly, like they were turning to lava by the minute. The three silhouettes depicting Zyloff and his men stood there, unclear as they were before.

The voice of the pirate king was still unintelligible and eerie, and at most times, I could barely understand what he was saying. But he seemed proud. With a laugh, he spoke.

"My second day as... the guardian, and things are already coming together. Before the end of the week, this entire land will be mine, and this volcano will be the beacon for travelers to see that. It will be visible from all across the land, and after those wretched underlands become one with the overland, everyone will be forced to see it from wherever they may reside."

He was really serious about destroying the Underlands. I had almost forgotten about Tymir. With Vulcan down, he should be weakened, but that will only do so much. Right after we save Artlandia, we have to take him down. The man on his left spoke next. His voice was a deathly, like an old, deadly mummy that could talk.

"Once the land collapses, you will see to it that I rule the remains of Artlandia, correct?"

I couldn't see what Zyloff did, but I assumed it was an uneasy nod. The old mummy cackled to his response.

"We were meant to be rulers, you know? We brought order since the very beginning, and now, things will be as they were always meant to."

I could feel Zyloff's gaze grow deadly towards the man. He quickly scrambled to retell his sight of the future.

"I-I mean with all respect to the true ruler of the land... y-your... majesty?"

He scoffed, making my insides cringe for the man.

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