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What is a hero? Is it a noble who saves villages? Or perhaps a warrior who might vanquish a beast? While those may classify as the traits belonging of one, it doesn't scratch the true answer behind the commonly asked question.

A hero isn't a knight in shining armor, or a king who saves his kingdom, a hero is someone who is willing to put their life on the line for the wellbeing of all, even if it means they'll be forgotten, or never receive the recognition they deserve.

That is why this is a story, not of a boy, but of a hero.

His story takes place in a lush and fruitful land, vast and seemingly endless. Old towers challenged the sky and gravity itself, while hidden cities were buried under the surface of mountains and in caves. Races and species of all different colors, shapes, sizes, and cultures roamed and ruled, filling towns, working farms, or completing the menial to death-defying tasks in their daily lives.

Amongst it all, there were three dragons that ruled throughout their respecitve kingdoms, dividing their world into diverse landscapes. Flying over a purple volcano in the north was Rosslyn, a mythic purple dragon that promised to protect her land with her skills of experience and power of the gods.

Amongst the other two kingdoms, dragons of similar size and power ruled, keeping peace throughout their lively enviotments. The three kingdoms lived relatively peacefully for decades besides the hundreds of stories about heroes fighting evil monsters that hid in the shadows and terrorized the kingdoms.

However, one fateful day, a grand pirate king sought to steal the power belonging to one of the dragons in order to rule the kingdoms himself. He created alliances with witches and monsters and set out to sea on a voyage to an island of potent magic and indescribable danger.

It took them weeks of wandering the relentless island filled with unforgiving terrain and ravenous beasts, but they eventually found what they were looking for. The power that would weaken the grand dragon that protected Rosslantica and siphon her power to make the pirate king strong enough to rule in the dragon's place. He and his crew of crew's returned to Rosslantica, fully prepared to take control, even at the cost of war.

With the help of the pirates, witches, and monsters that were allied to his cause, Captain Zyloff overthrew the grand dragon, stealing their power and reducing her to the form of a rat. She managed to escape the clutches of the evil pirates and monsters, using the last of her remaining power to evade the armies looking for her.

Hundreds of miles away from her beloved volcano, she stumbled upon a measly village by the name of Eagle Tree. She scurried off to the settlememt in the hopes of finding a brave hero who would help her retrieve her power and save the kingdoms, but whenever she tried pleading to the villagers going about their day, they were all too busy to notice a little rat running around.

Desperate for help, she went to the last person in the village she noticed. A boy by the name of Harlen. She followed him to his house, jumping through the door right as he closed it. Stuck in the house of the boy, she clung to the shadows, studying if he was up to the task of heroism.

On the outside, he was just like any other kid in the town, but deep down, she felt like he was just what she needed. Having no other options, she ran up to the boy as he was sorting out food in his pantry and introduced herself.

The GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora