😈🕑020: REVENGE...🕑😈

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry...." Yibo said, his voice was shaking, he was afraid of what Xiao Zhan would do...

There is a lot that he wanted to say, but he didn't have the time.....

He only hoped that Xiao Zhan understood what he meant....

"You're sorry? I don't care, i'm done forgiving you for your constant bullshit!" Zhan said with rage, he shoved yibo.

"I'm always the one on my knees begging for forgivenes, it's your turn, on your knees." Zhan said, he was getting ready to have a good laugh if wang yibo actually apologized to him on his hands and knees.

".....Okay..." It took a little bit for it to set in for him, but Yibo realized that Xiao Zhan meant it....

He was going to make him go on his hands and knees and beg for forgiveness....

Yibo was actually quite surprised that Xiao Zhan was even gonna make him do such a thing...

".....Okay..." He said, his face was blank....

He slowly went on his knees on the floor....

"I'm not satisfied yet, i wonder..what else should i do to you?.." Xiao Zhan said, chuckling.

".....what do you mean by...." Yibo gulped, his voice was quivering....He knew that this wasn't gonna end well....

He looked up at Xiao Zhan and he felt so much fear in his body....

"W-What else do you want...me to do..." he said anxiously...

"What else? What i just made you do is not even close to the things i will do to you." Xiao zhan said, glaring hatefully down at yibo.

He picked up a huge glass vase, and shattered it, forcing Yibo to walk on it barefoot for an hour straight, because Yibo made him walk and sit on broken glass before too.

Zhan then ordered some people to flog Yibo 5 times, but out of kindness, he stopped at 4, because Yibo was whimpering like a pussy.

"Can't even take 5 whips? You are weak, and i thought I was weak..."

Zhan then stood up and tased yibo with a really low voltage so he doesn't die.

"I should kill you." Xiao Zhan admitted, he genuinely thought about killing yibo but he isn't a murderer.

"Nevermind." He said.

Xiao zhan told the servants to remove the bed from yibo's room, and tie him to a pole.

Just like when yibo tied him to a pole.

He told them to beat yibo with a long wooden stick 20 times for every time yibo molested him, it still wasn't enough for xiao zhan.

"Aha, i have an idea...give me your wallet." Xiao Zhan said with an 'innocent' looking smirk.

Xiao Zhan snatched it from yibo and then happily left the house to go shopping with Meng Ziyi, he then maxed out yibo's credit card, he spend 446,000 dollars of yibo's wallet.

"It was spent for a good cause." Xiao Zhan said, holding his Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags, he also held Versace.

"Ziyi! Ziyi! Look! I see a chanel store!!" Xiao Zhan said excitedly as he and ziyi crossed the street to go to the store.

Once xiao zhan was done shopping, he treated Ziyi to dinner as they caught up.

"Does...yibo know that you spent almost his entire wallet?" Ziyi asked in fear of what yibo will do if he were to find out.

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