Mum lets out a relieved exhale. She's been my rock through this. Through everything in life. Couldn't do any of this without her.

"Okay, thank you." She smiles.

"Any other questions just give me a shout. Jude, make sure you rest. And make sure you're eating."

"I have a meeting with his dietician at 12 today. We're going to work out a plan with the list you gave us on what he can and can't eat right now." Mum informs.

"Brilliant." The doctors pleased.

"Okay, rest up Jude. I'll see you later." He smiles at both mum and I before he leaves the room.

Mum pulls the chair next to my bed a bit closer. Takes my hand in hers and smiles at me.

"Everything's going well."

"Yeah." I smile back.

"Thanks mum. I couldn't do any of this without you. And I'm so sorry for being so horrible to you when I found out about Harmony I was just—"

"Don't worry love. I understand. I was the same way when your dad got into that bad injury of his back in the day. You love her, I totally understand." She squeezes my hand.

I smile at her but it falls within seconds when I remember what's going on with Harmony.

"How is she?" I ask mum. Haven't seen her since last night, mum went to see her this morning when I was sleeping.

Mum breathes out. Rubs her eyes. This hurts her just as much as it does me. Harmony was like a daughter to her. No, not was. I need to stop talking in past tense. She's not dying, she's not going anywhere, I'll make sure of that. Harmony is a daughter to her. Always will be.

"She's still in the coma." My heart sinks. I was hoping that she'd magically wake up this morning. I'd go to visit her and she'd be laid there with her perfect smile on her perfect face. Ask for food immediately because she's got a big appetite and then she'd start rambling about her accident with extreme detail and she'd somehow make it seem like such a light and airy thing when it was the most traumatic thing that could ever happen to a person.

I look down at my hands. Eyes welling up.

I nod slowly.

"She's going to wake up Jude. You know Harmony. She's a strong girl. Put up with you all this time." She jokes to make me feel better and it slightly does even though my heart feels like it's tearing.

"Yeah, yeah she will." I try and sound convincing. Like I believe what I'm saying. But in reality I really don't know. And that scares me. Because Harmony's always been my sure thing. The person I'd hedge all my bets on because I know her and I know she'll always pull through.

She's the one constant in my life that I know no matter what will be there. The one thing I know is certain in all lives and all universes because I'd love her in all of them. In every universe and every single lifetime. But now? Everything's all messed up and unclear and I'm scared.

Mum squeezes my hand supportively and then sits back in the chair, looking at her phone.

"You can go if you want mum." Clear my throat that's got a constant lump in it now.

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