A Silver Tongue

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In a black void, a golden string twirls around to change to a raven flying over Emon. Then that raven glows gold and turns into eight golden strings.

The first string goes to Keyleth at the base of a volcano, facing off a four-arm humanoid creature. There her staff and hand glow green and she transforms into a tiger.

Pike and Grog run in a rocky terrain where they face a worm-like monster. Pike rides on Grog as he swings his axe and her hand glows. They burst out from the back of the head of the monster.

Ren unsheathed his light sword and clashed his sword against the sword of another Paldalorian. Then his scene changes to him riding his wyvern Norm as he looks back at a ruined city.

Vax and Vex face off against blue humanoid monsters. Vax throws knives at them and Vex shoots arrows at them. Then their scene change where they are young with Trinket in a village destroyed and burning in fire. They look at each other and hold hands.

Percy pulls himself up inside a dungeon and pulls up his gun 'pepperbox'. The scene then changes to him leaving Whitestone.

Scanlan rides his magic hand over a crowd while playing his lute. Behind him was the golden string.

Which changes to them in a battlefield where they try to get up.

The golden string brings them standing in a forest, a lava cave, a snowy mountain, and a green valley until they face the city of Emon.

Before green eyes show above them in dark clouds.

[End of Opening]

Percy continues to watch horrified as Cassandra begins to drown in her own blood.

Percy: *Runs up to Cassandra* Cass! *Kneels to his sister* Stay with me. *Holds her*

Anders: I've wanted to do that for longer than you can imagine.

Soon Vax, Keyleth, and Ren came, and they gasped, seeing Cassandra down on the floor.

Percy: *Looks at Keyleth* Keyleth, hurry!

Keyleth drops her staff rushes over to Cassandra and places her down.

Keyleth: Vax! *Throws Vax a bag as he kneels down* I need Wanderer's Moss, Flicksilver, and, uh... the bag that says "dirt". *Looks at Ren* Ren, I need pressure on the wound before the spell can hold.

Ren then kneels down next to Keyleth and places his hands on the wound as Vax gathers the ingredients.

Anders grabs a bottle of alcohol and watches them with a smirk.

Ander: Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Vax holds the ingredients, and then Keyleth spits on them before mixing them together.

Keyleth hesitated for a second until-

Ren: You got this.

Keyleth looks at Ren and nods as Ren removes his hands before Keyleth and Vax place their hands on Cassadra's wound.

Anders: *Pours the alcohol into a glass* Oh, the joy in watching a de Rolo child meet a painful end. *Raise his glass* Cheers.

Percy: You son of a  bitch!

He then raises his gun at Ander and a flash happens that turns Percy's eye turn black with his pupils orange and smoke forms around him.

He then raises his gun at Ander and a flash happens that turns Percy's eye turn black with his pupils orange and smoke forms around him

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