Shadows at the Gate

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In the throne room, Allura and Uriel look at Vox Machina pissed while they were surrounded by guards with spears pointing at them.

Uriel: You've ruined our banquet, assaulted political allies, and risked the security of the realm. Throw them in irons!

Guards were about to arrest them as they protested and were about to resist.

Allura: Sovereign, it's been a very long evening. I will see that they are properly punished.

Uriel: *Scoffs* See that you do. *Walks away*

Vex: Allura, something is very wrong with Uriel. He's under the Briarwoods' influence, I can feel it.

Allura: That is a considerable accusation. Do you have proof?

Vex: No. But I can get it. I just need time to access to-

Ren: *Interrupts* Sylas is a vampire. He used his manipulation ability to ensure Uriel wouldn't be suspicious about Whitestone.

Allura: I find that to be difficult to believe.

Ren: He almost drained Vax's blood, he's incredibly fast, and he reacts more to light and my starsteel.

Allura: Emon owes you a debt, but that does not mean you are above the law. Though perhaps Uriel is being too brash. Until this is resolved, you are hereby confined to your keep under house arrest.

The group then tries to protest about the house arrest.

Grog: How can you arrest a house?

Pike: Okay. Thank you, Lady Allura.

Ren: But if we're going to be confined to our keep, can you at least supply us with a few herbs and medical items? After all, we are heavily injured.

Allura: *Sighs in defeat* Very well. I'll also convene a formal inquiry at once. Your fate will be determined once we hear the Briarwoods' side of the story. *Leaves the room* If they'll even speak to us anymore.


In a black void, a golden string twirls around to change to a raven flying over Emon. Then that raven glows gold and turns into eight golden strings.

The first string goes to Keyleth at the base of a volcano, facing off a four-arm humanoid creature. There her staff and hand glow green and she transforms into a tiger.

Pike and Grog run in a rocky terrain where they face a worm-like monster. Pike rides on Grog as he swings his axe and her hand glows. They burst out from the back of the head of the monster.

Ren unsheathed his light sword and clashed his sword against the sword of another Paldalorian. Then his scene changes to him riding his wyvern Norm as he looks back at a ruined city.

Vax and Vex face off against blue humanoid monsters. Vax throws knives at them and Vex shoots arrows at them. Then their scene change where they are young with Trinket in a village destroyed and burning in fire. They look at each other and hold hands.

Percy pulls himself up inside a dungeon and pulls up his gun 'pepperbox'. The scene then changes to him leaving Whitestone.

Scanlan rides his magic hand over a crowd while playing his lute. Behind him was the golden string.

Which changes to them in a battlefield where they try to get up.

The golden string brings them standing in a forest, a lava cave, a snowy mountain, and a green valley until they face the city of Emon.

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