Chapter 5: Rooks

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It was only a day after your return to HQ. There hasn't been a loss in the whole Cazador group for almost a year now. The news shocked the whole base. Search and rescue efforts were made to try and find Impulse. When they found the wreckage it was burned up and torn to shreds. They at least recovered his body. There you stood with the rest of Cazador looking at his casket, portrait of him, and the wreckage of his jet. Bones was in tears, Frostbite wouldn't show it but the grief was evident. You stood there dead in the face as Cazador 1 laid your group's banner on his casket.

Cazador 1: "We lost a good pilot today. Those Noxians don't know who they just fucked with. They're up to something, and if they want a fight. We'll give it to them! Venatores noctis sumus!"

All of Cazador roared as they repeated the phrase back. The formation broke off and went to resume their duties. Your team stayed behind to give your final respects to your friend. Cazador 1 walked up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

Cazador 1: "Take some time off, no sorties for you three. That's an order. We'll get the pilot that did this."

You only nodded as Cazador 1 walked off to continue her command. You walked up to Impule's casket, solemnly placing a hand on it.

You: "Damnit... Not you too Bryan."

You placed the hat that Akali signed on his casket and walked back to the other two. Bones wiped her tears as Frostbite hugged her.

You: "Come on you two. Drinks are on me."

You all walked to the mess hall in the snow, other members of Cazador walking by and giving their condolences to you. You walked into the mess hall and saw that not too many people were in and sat down by the bar. The bartender understood and just gave you all a beer.

Slick: "Drinks are on the house tonight Rook Team. Condolences."

You: "Thanks Slick."

You all sat in silence still a bit too stunned and numb to speak what had only happened a day before all of you.

Frostbite: "As much as he annoyed me. I miss him already. He was funny at times."

Bones: "Yeah, he's like the brother I never had."

The two of them looked at you and you just sat there beer in hand.

Bones: "It's not your fault Pit."

You: "Bullshit..."

Frostbite: "You can't get like this again Pit."

You: "Like what? I was his leader! I should've gone for the lead! Not him!"

Frostbite: "You don't think I feel guilty too! I could've helped him too! But he chose to send me to you not him."

You both glared at each other but you knew that these were just the words of grief.

Bones: "You can't let this get to you, either of you. I know Impulse was your friend, he was our friend. Please Pit, don't grieve like you did with-"

You: "Like with Valor..."

You all dipped your heads again remembering the other Rook who was lost before.

You: "I'm sorry Frost."

Frostbite: "I'm sorry too. It just sucks."

You: "Indeed it does."

You just slammed the rest of your beer down and exited your chair.

You: "I'm going for a smoke."

Bones: "Thought you quit?"

You: "I did. But it's times like this that call for one."

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