Chapter 4: Dodge This

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After a stern talking from your mom on the phone. You entered Evelynn's home. Which was if not bigger than your home. In another rich suburban neighborhood, but this one was newer and you saw this was where the new money blood lived here in Piltover.

You "Sweet place."

Evelynn: "Oh, you haven't even seen most of it. Come on I'll show you around."

You followed Evelynn into the main living space from the front of the place. It was decorated with posters of their concerts and their photos from different albums. As well as photos of them on trips during their tours. You saw a girl with blue hair in some of the photos you hadn't seen before.

You: "Who's this?"

Evelynn: "Oh that's Seraphine. We've collab with her a few times. She's a KDA member but mostly an indie artist."

You kept walking with Eve, as you entered the main living space you also noticed a couple of people sitting on the couch. Ahri and Kai'sa were just watching a show while you and Eve walked in.

Ahri: "Oh hi (y/n)!"

Kai'sa: "Hey there!"

You: "Hi you two, hope I'm not interrupting. Thanks for having me over."

Ahri: "No problem, you're Eve's best friend. You're welcome anytime she invites you."

Kai'sa: "So what's the plan for you two?"

Evelynn: "I was going to show him around the house and then we're just probably chill by the pool and catch up."

Kai'sa: "Sounds good, want to stay for dinner (y/n)?"

You: "Sure, if you'll have me."

Ahri: "Of course, you're welcome to stay dummy! I just said so!"

You all just chuckled while you followed Eve around the rest of the house and she showed you around. Going to the garage and showing her collection of cars and Akali's bikes. Next was the backyard with a large pool and hot tub attached to it. The basement was a makeshift gym and dance studio for them to keep in shape and practice. The second floor had all of their rooms. Even one for Seraphine if she ever wanted to visit. You were in Eve's room looking at how much her collection had grown since you last hung out.

You: "Damn... These had to have cost a fortune."

Evelynn: "Well, I make a lot of money now. So it's one click or credit card swipe away."

You just smiled and turned back to her. She was the same old Eve you remembered but something did change after all. The air was tense and you wanted answers.

You: "Can I ask you something?"

Evelynn: "Oh? Have you thought about something for your prize?"

You chuckled and just shook your head.

You: "No, I'm still thinking about that. I might save it for a rainy day. But it's something more serious."

She walked up to you with a worried look in her eye. You both then sat on the floor like many times you did before when you both had open talks with each other.

You: "Why did you stop writing back? 7 Years Eve. I didn't hear back from you for 7 Years. I thought we made a promise."

Evelynn had an obvious look of guilt on her face and her heart ached.

Evelynn: "To be honest. I don't have a proper answer for you. I don't think I'll ever will."

You: "I'll take anything I can get. It hurt when you didn't write back. I got worried, I had to find out through my parents that you were still doing okay."

Open Skies (Male Reader X KDA)Where stories live. Discover now