Episode Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Ana knows that usually rookies are fired after Plain Clothes Day, but she's sure she's going to be fired after her well named "Weatherby Day". He gets mad at her for not looking around in every direction before pursuing a subject, because apparently looking down at the ground could save everyone's lives or something. 


"okay, no one was home during the robbery, do you know at what time you came home and found the house broken into?" Ana asks, softly, interviewing people whose house was robbed.

"Officer Cabrera" Weatherby calls.

"yes, sir?" Ana calls, softly.

"protocol states that you are three feet away from any civilian at all times unless engaged upon" Weatherby responds.

"yes, sir, I'm sorry" Ana says, softly, taking a step back and looking back up at the woman.


Ana manages to track down the robber, no thanks to Weatherby who is constantly getting mad at her for her shoelace length or how she holds an arrested civilian. 

"where are the stolen items?" Ana asks.

"d-downstairs, in the basement" The robber stutters out.

Ana nods, grabbing her flashlight and gun.

"now, now, Officer Cabrera, protocol states that any information must be confirmed by another source if not life threatening." Weatherby stops her.

Ana has to stop herself from strangling this idiot. 

"yes, sir" Ana manages to get out.


So that's how they go on a wild goose chase, trying to find the robber's brother who apparently owns the house where the robber stored the stolen items. 

The brother, confused as ever, wondering why the police haven't just checked the damn basement.

"why didn't you just go down into the basement?" the brother asks while Weatherby is occupied.

"because our new captain is implementing new rules, I'm sorry for this waste of time, so can you say whether you saw such items in the basement?" Ana asks, softly, sighing. 

"I guess" the brother sighs.

"that's good enough for me, thank you for your time and again I'm sorry" Ana says, softly, walking back to the car. 


Finally, they're able to search the damn basement.

Ana has never been this excited to search for stolen property, mainly because she just wants to get this day over with. 

Of course, it's just not her day, because while her and Weatherby are searching the basement, an earthquake happens. Ana grabs onto a pillar in the wall, but a basement is the last place you want to be in an earthquake. Weatherby hides behind her, the coward. The pillars holding up the roof collapse and the first floor comes falling in on them. Ana covers Weatherby as they're hit with debris.


"god" Ana groans, waking up blearily. She sees Captain Weatherby underneath her and there are chunks of wood on top of her.

"Seven Adam 10, we're stuck in a collapsed basement, could use backup and RA, over" Ana says over the radio, only to hear static. 

"damn" Ana murmurs, softly. She braces herself before trying to push up the wood chunks that are on top of her.

"over here" Ana hears someone call.

"we're here! Help" Weatherby calls.

Someone takes off the wood chunks but when Ana looks up, she quickly realizes that they are robbers, opportunists who take possessions from people's houses after a natural disaster.

"oh look, two cops" One of the robbers smirks. 

Ana groans, her head is killing her and she knows for a fact that she has some broken ribs, still she manages to swing her leg out and send the two robbers falling to the ground. The wood creaks underneath them as they land.

Ana tries to pull out her gun, only to realize that she must have dropped it during the earthquake. Ana reaches down to take Weatherby's gun but he swats her hand away.

"protocol says-..." Weatherby starts.

"shut up" Ana hisses, turning back to the two men who have known stood up.

 Ana sighs, barely ducking a punch that is thrown her way. 

Fighting off two men after being unconscious for ten minutes and unarmed is not fun, in the slightest. By the time Ana has pinned and arrested them, she's managed to twist her ankle and made her minor concussion a major one. 

"who is your training officer again?" Weatherby asks.

Ana huffs, crawling out of the collapsed basement and looking around. Her radio is still not working. 

She finds the nearest standing house and limps over to it. Ana knocks on the door of the house, relaxing when a friendly elderly woman answers the door.

"hi, ma'am, are your phones working?" Ana asks.

"no, I'm sorry" The elderly woman says, shaking her head.

"of course, thank you" Ana says, softly. 

Weatherby opens his mouth to lecture her again, probably about something stupid, but Ana just turns and starts the long and painful walk to the nearest hospital. 

Weatherby leaves her at the hospital and hitches a ride back to the station, she's told later that he was promoted to headquarters.

So, Ana spends the rest of her evening trying to bake cookies for Sergeant Grey.

However, Carmen comes over and soon Ana watches her abuela make cookies. 

"Voy a aprender algún día." Ana murmurs, softly. (I'm going to learn one day).

"Sigue diciéndote eso, mija." Carmen responds, kissing her forehead and giving her a new ice pack to put on her ankle. (You keep telling yourself that, darling.)

"Gracias abuela por todo." Ana says, softly. (Thank you, abuela, for everything).

"Claro, mija. Ahora, ¿cuándo volverás a invitar a cenar a tu alto jefe? Tengo unos cubiertos nuevos y elegantes que me gustaría poner en el estante superior." Her abuela asks, making Ana giggle. (of course, darling. Now when are you inviting your tall boss over for dinner again? I have some new fancy cutlery I'd like to put on the top shelf.)

"Hablaré con él mañana." Ana smiles, eating one of the cookies that her abuela made. (I'll talk to him tomorrow).

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