Shadows of Lost Love

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In the silence of night, where shadows embrace,

I'm held by the memory of your tender grace.

Once intertwined in love's gentle sway,

Now separated, lost in disarray.

Each day brings a reminder of what once was,

A love so pure, now shattered and lost.

You've moved on, leaving me behind,

While I'm trapped in the echoes of a love resigned.

I yearn to let go, to break free from this hold,

But your essence remains, refusing to fold.

You were my beacon, my reason to smile,

Now I'm stranded in darkness, longing for a while.

As time drifts by, I cling to the past,

Hoping that somehow, our love will last.

But reality whispers, a harsh, bitter truth,

That we're destined to part, in the prime of youth.

Yet in the depths of despair, a glimmer appears,

A promise of healing, to conquer my fears.

For love, though fragile, has power untold,

To mend broken hearts, and make them bold.

So I'll embrace the pain, as I journey through,

Knowing that someday, I'll find someone new.

But until then, I'll cherish the memories we made,

In the bittersweet symphony of love's serenade.

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