Part 4: the normal work week

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Sunday had been a quiet day for Alexa compared to Saturday. She had spend the day just watched TV, catching up on the Knick vs Celtics game. She had only used the device to return to her normal size. Monday was the normal work day it was. Alexa had gotten up early to get dressed and had taken the subway to the financial district to her job. The subway, as usual at that time, was packed with people heading to their jobs. The station closest to her apartment was always packed and she rarely got a sit, having to stand too close to people will bad morning breathe and lack of a shower. When she final got there, her legs started to ache from having to stand for so long which had her journey from the underground station to the building be a pain. And on that day it was even worst, two elevators were out of order and the other three were too busy. So she had to take the depressing climb up 17 flits of stairs, becoming clammy by the 5th floor. The cool air of the office was nice to feel when she marched through the door and made her way to her desk. Taking off her jacket, started her work like every other day. A few minutes later, Sarah arrived.

'Hey Alexa, I see you took the stairs.'

'You took the elevator.'

'Yeah, was waiting for ages to get in the damn thing.'

'I should have waited, I've already sweated through my shirt.'

'I'm sweaty myself, the temperature is higher then last week. It sucks.'

'Speaking of things that suck.'

The supervisor Steven was making his way down the cubicles, his stupid bald head and short, trimmed bread being a bane to everyone on the floor.

'Alexa, you got does documentaries for me.'

'Yes, sir.' She bent down to her filing cabinet and rummaged through the papers.

'And hows your work going Sarah.'

'I pulled an all nighter on Thursdays to get it done.'

'Good, like pick it up tomorrow.'

'But you told me that it need to be done by Monday.'

'Well, things changed.'

Alexa pulled out the printed file and pasted in to him

'Good, And Alexa, put on your jacket. Your back is disgusting.' And he walked off.

The two girls glared at each other for a sec, the two inaudible sharing their distance of him. Of course, that was tame compared to the other things he did. Threw his weight all over the place, making ridiculous promises to management and bullying the workers to get the jobs done. Them hearing him shout at employees that fell a bit behind. While pretending to be a person you cared about his workers. Alexa had been on the end of his wrath a few times before, saying that he would fire her on two separate occasions. Which of course never happened. He was basically the type of person you loved having power and let it get to his head no matter how little it was.

'So, how are you doing.' Asked Sarah, from her cubicle.

'I'm good, watched the Knicks game. How bout you.'

'I'm the same, nothing much. As for you, can we talk about Saturday.'

'Sarah, I said it alright. You don't need to apologise for it again.'

'Oh, not that. Something else.'

'What exactly?'

'That lower end of yours.'

Alexa's heart skipped a beat. Did Sarah see she was different looking that day. How would she explain it.

'That pants your were wearing was something different was it.'

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