Part 1: An average Life

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 Alexa, like most days, was sitting at her desk typing away at her keyboard. Busy filling in the standard documents and requests for the company. You'd think working in the financial sector would be a stressful job. Filled with long hours, sleepless night and the constant fear of your boss watching your every move. But for Alexa, the job was anything but that. Day in, day out was the same for those 5 days. Occasionally, she may have to attend the odd meeting about boring business matters or would have to take part in an activity or safety drill. The job paid the normal amount to live on and the hours weren't too cruel, but it was still as boring as listening to your teacher talk about algebra for the 15th time or waiting for a train to pull in. In her opinion, she would have long left the job for something better if it wasn't for too people. Her work colleague Sarah who had started the same day Sarah did, with them becoming friends as the months turned to a year. With her thick New York accent paired with her Irish long ginger hair and bright green eyes, it was fun to hear some of the stuff that came out of that colourful mouth.

The other reason was Sydney, a lifelong friend she had known since high school and a girl Alexa had always fancied. She was bubbly and cute, and not that smart to be the supervisor's assistant. But it did help that she had a pair of DDD cup Breasts strapped to her chest, often walking around the office in her trademark pink Blazer holding on for dear life and a bit too short grey skirt. It was in complete contrast to Alexa's tomboy style black suit and tie with a matching tomboy blonde haircut and Sarah's standard women's office suit and normal skirt. It was an open secret that the supervisor was banging her on quiet days. probably why she was kept on. But with a voice like an innocent kitten, you couldn't help but like her.

Today was no different, Alexa saw her shirt before seeing her walking towards her desk. She caught one of the guys catching a glimpse of her ass as she walked by before going back to his call.

'Hey Alexi,' she said as she rested her arms on the short office dividers. 'I'm going to lunch, want to come?'

'I will, just got to finish this form first and I'll be right down.'

'OK, you want me to get you anything?'

'Nah, this won't take long.'

'Ok, See you down there.' She walked off with a sweet smile on her face.

'Was about to tell her, her ass was nearly touching my face.' Sarah said on the other side as she sorted through her drawers.

'Well, at least she didn't back into you this time.'

Sarah smirked. 'That girl has probably bumped me with that ass more than anyone she ever met. I'm surprised I haven't developed pink eye.' She looked up. 'Bet, you'd of like to have that backside touch your face.'

'Sarah, zip it, Jesus. Why not tell the whole office block.'

'Oh, come on Alexa, You're gay, she's Bi. Just ask her out on a date Already.'

'Oh Yeah, date the girl that Steven is banging. That's a great way to lose your job.'

'He'll find another bimbo to bang. Most of the supervisors in this damn company often do.'

Alexa stayed silent.

'Come on, you've known her for years. She always sends you birthday cards, she's helped keep Steven off your back on bad days, she gave you that giant easter egg three days before easter, you've seen her nak-'

'Sarah, I mean it.'

'Alright fine, but in my own opinion, you should be banging her and not that narcissist douchebag.'

'I swear to god, Sarah, I swear to god.' She said through her teeth as she finished the form.

She got up, taking her jacket around her arm. 'That mouth of yours just doesn't stop, does it.'

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