Part 2: A relaxing Saturday

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Saturdays were different depending on the people who experienced them. Some would be watching episodes of their favourite shows that released that day. Other were going out to their favourite restaurants to enjoy the afternoon or evening. And others were busy clocking up hours on their favourite past time, whether that be making a model kit of some sort or playing a favourite video game. Alexa's Saturday was rather strange to say the least. She had started the day by expelling her stomach contains into her toilet, Going to a local bar to watch a game and discovering her body had changed shape at midday. And by the afternoon, she had returned to normal and changed again, and had had the greatest masturbation section any human could even have, plus an embarrassing encounter with the police. Now it was the evening, she had spent the last hour or two cleaning by the cherry scented liquid she had squired across her bathroom floor. By the time she had finish, the sun was about setting and the sky had turned a pleasant orange. She placed the cleaning stuff in a random place in the kitchen to be put away later and walked back to the couch. She was wearing a t-shirt with a cat on it and a pyjamas bottom, she didn't really feel the need to clean the place completely nude. When she finished, she had developed a bit of a sweat which she wiped away and let out a tried sign. That smell wouldn't go, guess I'm stuck with it for a while. She looked now to the device laying next to her. That simple little thing that changed her life, in a matter of speaking, in just one day. Now that she was finished her cleaning the mess, she was ever so curious to see what else it had in store for her.

'Best do this in the bathroom and have more control, I'm not arsed to clean it again.'

The smell of bleach and cherries was there to greet her as she walked in. She took off her clothes and stood naked in-front of the mirror, something she would get used to very soon. She presented the button on the bottom and the screen lite up. The Preset menu hadn't changed since she last saw it, with default still being highlighted.

'Alright, remember, if you feel like spunking again, just switch to default. Simple.'

She looked at the different words on the screen, she knew what "fit" and "Date Night" did so she'd be avoiding them for now. She had decided whilst cleaning that she would go from the top down to test the other settings. Some words, she felt she knew what they would do to her. Words like "short" or "Tall" were pretty much self-explanatory, but others like "Full Bloom" and "All 3 extra" were complete mysteries to her. But Hey, She thought, No point in not trying. She took one final look at herself before she hit the first setting. Short. That simpler chill ran around through her body like before and the heat covered her. She felt that familiar tightness around her body as the device began to changed her. This time, it was all over her body. She watched herself as she slowly began to lower in height, hearing her bones quietly creaking as she shrank. She got to about 5'1 before she stopped shrinking. She hadn't felt the pleasure she had dealt with last time so that was a welcome changed. She couldn't really see herself in the mirror so she decided to walk to her bedroom were there was a full body mirror she under to get ready in the morning for work. As she walked, it felt very surreal to see her apartment so big.

'Man, last time I was this height I was maybe around 11. Could use this to hide from the supervisors when their on a warpath. Or maybe get into a cinema at reduced price, if I had some one who knew my secret and I trusted.'

Looking at her kitchen, she was just tall enough to seemly reach the bottom shelf on the top cabinets. The ceiling being to far away from her head had the whole place feeling like a cathedral. Felt to her that everything was further way, she noticed that it felt longer to walked from the bathroom to the bedroom. When she enter, the bed was massive compared to her. Felt like walking into her parents bedroom when this was a kid.

'I'd have no problem with the sheet again if I was this small. Wouldn't need to change the sheets so often either. I could just changed sides and wouldn't smell like a gym bag after a few night.'

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