Exorc-stential crisis

Start from the beginning

Emily: Even so I need to try and stop him. If Y/N kills pucci it could start a war between heaven and hell.

Sir pentious: Oh! Right! I.... didn't think about stuff like that. Yeah a war would be kinda bad.

Emily: Kinda?!

Sir pentious: Okay really bad.

Emily barges into the chapel followed by sir pentious and knock on pucci's room but no one answers.

Emily: Come on please be in here.

Emily opens the door and looks around but pucci was nowhere to be seen. Some of his belongings were missing apart from his personal diary which layed on his bed.

Emily: Oh no......

Sir pentious: Something tells me that our friend has already made his departure.

Emily: Maybe his diary could tell us something.

Emily grabs the dairy and flips to the a page that has the most recent update.

Father Pucci: Log number 89. Today marks the day I shall leave the comfort and protection of the holy land and delve down into the land of the dammed. What the lieutenant told me about Adam's demise has left me disturbed. It is not Adam's demise that concerns me the fool was always careless and egotistical I knew it would be a matter of time until his reckless behaviour would be his reckoning. It is L/N's stand which concerns me. From what I've learnt by rumors and word alone king crimson has the ability to manipulate time but how and what facture of time does it manipulate? To find my answer I must confront Y/N personally and if he proves to be too much of a challenge I will retreat and begin my path to obtain heaven itself. I've taken the book with me but if I misplace or lose it I have left the needed information of the heaven plan in this journal so I can return and memorize the instructions.

The heaven plan goes as followed-

What I shall need is the lives of more than 36 people who have sinned, because those who have sinned harbor a strong power within and in a land such as hell sinners are in a plenty supply-

I will also need the bones of a by-gone saint blessed by god before the saint left the divine plain. Something I have already acquired and taken with me.

There are also 14 phrases that I absolutely must remember

Spiral staircase-

Rhinoceros beetle-

Desolation row-

Fig tart-

Rhinoceros beetle-

Via Dorōsa-

Rhinoceros beetle-

Singularity point-




Rhinoceros beetle- 

Singularity point-

Secret emperor-

I'll engrave these words onto my stand so I won't forget them. What is most necessary is courage. I must have the courage to destroy my stand momentarily. As it disintegrates my stand will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and shall give birth to something utterly new.

Whatever is born will awaken. It will show interest in the 14 phrases that I shall utter... My friend will trust me and I will become his friend.

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