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There she was.
Staring at the sky.
Same as always.
She sighed, removing her tea cup to the kitchen.
"What? The sky turned white already?"
She quickly rolled into the futon, carefully trying not to wake her mother up.

"Ana ana wake up"
"Must I go to school, theres no exam"
She hummed
"Come on honey, you'll be bored at home"
She didn't protest, when did she ever?
Her mom left.
She carefully straightened her bangs, curled her lashes,
"they reach the brows, it looks so creepy "
Then stood on the familiar cold surface
Her face scowled
"Well 0.7 kg ain't so bad"
Her "only tea" during night studies paid off.
Her mom don't even make breakfast anymore.
She's sick.

Ana slowly walked out of the house.
Carefully avoiding strong air, so her bangs aren't harmed.
She looked around she's the only kid going to school alone.

When she reached school, a girl flung herself on her arms "omg the cutest thing is here"
"Hey birbie what's up" another added.
"Your eyes are red again, miss topper studied whole night again huh"
Topper? Shut up.
I got 85 on exam yesterday.
Shut up.
All of you shut up.

She quickly sat and started studying.
"Keep cool me"
Then everyone started whispering her name again.
She looked up, oh her junior ex is in the class to talk to the teacher.
Ew. Her day is ruined.
Why did she even date all popular guys.

That's just who she is.
Her name is ana. She has big eyes and bigger lashes.
She's skinny.
She tries so hard.
When she first started learning guitar, everyone thought she was a genius, but when put in a room with all other genius, she was nobody.
Same goes for basketball, she only got tan.
Drawing, calligraphy you name it .

Jack of all traits master of none, that's who she is.

She's got one talent tho.
But she's not even the skinniest or the 1st girl in class.
There's always these "natural" talented, fast metabolismed people.

Huh, what a joke.

She ran around the hallways being the fluttery fluffy typical cute little girl.
She isn't even fake.
Like she turns automatically sweet and kind whenever someones around.
The thoughts completely disappears.
Too bad no one sticks around for long.

She kept thinking of master plans to run from class.
Then she saw it.
The school gate.
It was open.
It was.
For the first time in her 10 years of reading here
She slipped out
Slipped her shoes on
How come no one saw her
Then she ran

" Ouch " she bumped on what felt like a glass wall.
She angilly stared up
She saw a guy, with hands on his pocket.
Looking smug.
Is his chest so broad it felt like a glass?
But she didn't feel no button.
She stared into his face.

Her breath hitched.
"Longer lashes than mine"

𝔹𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ