He did as I said and stepped back to let me inside. I walked around his room, finding hardly anything personal. He had plain furniture that was almost retro. An old record player sat in the corner on the dresser. A chair and a bookshelf was placed up against the opposite wall, leaving just enough space for the bed to fit. Framed photographs from World War II and of the Avengers decorated the plain crème colored walls.

"Why can't you sleep?" I questioned as I leaned against his dresser. I ran my hand through my messy hair and ruffled it. The answer might have been the same as mine, but it was always worth asking. Anything to get him talking was enough for me.

His blue eyes searched my tired eyes for any hint as to why I wasn't asleep. A few thoughts made him twitch. "Just a nightmare."

"Nightmare? What about?" War memories? Peggy? His family? It could have been anything, but as far as I could tell, it was really bothering him.

Steve rubbed his forehead and groaned. "My best friend. I lost him during the war." He stopped there and bit his lip. He closed his eyes.

Pure pain. Suffering. Something about that memory seemed to play in his mind over and over from what I could tell. "I'm..."

He cut me off, "No need to be sorry. He's...he's alive. Tried to kill me, actually. Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra and became the..."

This time, I interrupted him in a whisper, "The Winter Soldier...I remember him..." I shook my head in disbelief. That poor man was part of the Captain's past. A lost soldier with no memory of who he was or what he did. A man that was also out of time. "He was quiet. Always took orders. Never cracked a smile or talked to anyone."

"Bucky was completely the opposite. He constantly smiled and tried to find his next date. Certainly the group flirt if you ask me. Great dancer, too. Buck definitely knew his way around the crowd." Steve huffed with a small smile at the memory. "I just ask myself what if I never see him again? What if he's lost forever? Sam is looking for him right now, but what if his mind relapses and he doesn't remember anything?"

The room fell silent. I tapped my fingers against the dresser in thought. What was there to say to that? Something...Anything comforting might sound ridiculous. It was worth a try. "You will find him, Rogers. And when you do, he will remember you. I can promise you that. The brainwashing and freezing process is already weighing on his mind, but he will come around."

Steve nodded and waited a minute before changing the subject. The topic was sensitive for him, so talking about anything else might have been slightly comforting. "I am sorry about what I said when we were planning to invade. I shouldn't have fought with you," he stated as he sat down on the bed.

Steve Rogers apologizing? I should document this moment. Too bad there weren't any witnesses to confirm this ever happened. "It's fine. It's all in the past."

"I'm so used to making plans and having soldiers to follow them. They would trust me like I was their brother. Now...now all I have is my team. We all know how well they take orders..." He chuckled and looked down at the floor. He rubbed his hands together. "I wish I could go back into the past and live my old life. I have a family, the one I've dreamt about. Peggy would be there..." He stopped himself before he could say any more. The pain on his face amplified and he furrowed his brow. "I can never get used to this life. New aged television, movie graphics, technology, the people, or understand references to pop culture. I am a man out of time. I wish sometimes I could go back..."

I sat down next to him on his bed. I looked at him and waited until I thought of what to say. What could I say? Nothing would make him feel better. "You need to be here, Rogers. You're a big part of saving innocent lives. The world needs hope for the future, and Captain America is exactly what they need. You are an idol. Protector. Devilishly handsome." Whoa, mind, calm down. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

He grinned and his blue eyes met mine.

I had the urge to look away, but I held my stare and continued, "You are the first avenger. You started it all, and look at where it's led. I'm glad you're here in the present, and I hope you wouldn't change a thing."

The gears in his mind turned. "I can be all of those things for the people. But they see me as just a soldier. I have emotions. I have free will. I don't follow orders all the time."

I scoffed, "Yeah. I know." He fought for what he believed was just. That's what made him courageous and an idol for the people.

Steve glanced away and his smile fell. His voice lowered to almost a hurt whisper, "I just don't want you to think that I'm incapable of having feelings."

Steve doesn't want me to think he doesn't have feelings? Jeez, I know the guy is human and has a heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't be Captain America. I thought. "I don't think that, Rogers. Everyone has feelings. Even the most dastardly villain has feelings. I wouldn't expect you to not have any."

"Alright...good." He tapped his finger against his leg.

My guess? Seemed to be a nervous habit. Maybe a motion he did when he was sleep deprived. "Get some sleep, Cap. You need it." I rubbed my hand on his back as a token of comfort and got up to leave.


I turned around and set my hand on the door frame, waiting for him to continue.

He stopped tapping his finger and looked up at me. "About those feelings...Do you want to get some coffee tomorrow or something?"

Now that was unexpected. I smirked and replied, "Alright, but you're paying." Steve lit up at the answer before I left the room. This is going to be interesting.

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now