Nothing Else To Say

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And just like that, everyone had voted.

Eun-Hyuk had asked them to stand at one end of the room whilst he tallied the votes, and everyone obliged. He had pulled a chalkboard into the centre of the room and divided it in half with the chalk. He wrote 'in favour' on one side and 'opposed' on the other, once that was done, he began to check the votes.

One by one, he pulled out the pieces of paper, adding a dash to either side of the board, it was almost an even split. Eun-Hyuk checked the next vote, drawing another dash onto the 'opposed' side. Now it was 8-7, with 'in favour' only just ahead.

"Eight of us voted yes, and seven voted no. If one of the last two ballots is in favour, he'll be kicked out." Eun-Hyuk explained, placing the paper on the table. Seok-Hyeon rushed over to the table, looking at all of the 'opposed' votes in shock.

"Seven people opposed? Are you all crazy!?" He yelled, turning to look at everyone as Eun-Hyuk pulled out the next ballot.

"Opposed. Eight to eight." He said, drawing a dash on the board. Seok-Hyeon scoffed at everyone, he couldn't understand why they didn't see it from his point of view. He saw Hyun-Su as a threat and he wanted him gone.

"It was you." He said, staring at his wife. She quickly shook her head in fear. "No, I didn't." He rolled his eyes and walked further into the room.

"All the bitches and bastards on his side should be thrown out!" He yelled, looking straight at Ji-Su and Jae-Heon. Ji-Su didn't stay quiet like the others. "Will you calm the fuck down?" She snapped at him.

"Don't get worked up yet." Eun-Hyuk interrupted. "The last vote here will determine the result." He said before reaching into the box and pulling out the folded piece of paper.

Everyone stared at him with an intense look, they were nervous to find out the vote, Ae-Cha especially. If the majority voted for him to be kicked out, they would do the same to her. For a moment, she considered walking to the highest floor she could and just jumping. If it meant that she didn't hurt anyone, she'd do anything. Eun-Hyuk finally unfolded the paper, staring at it before turning it to show everyone else. On the paper, there was an X drawn over a circle which meant..


Most of the group relaxed, relieved that they didn't have a decision and, therefore, couldn't throw out Hyun-Su. However, Seok-Hyeon was not as happy. He stormed over and took the paper from Eun-Hyuk.

"No way." He muttered before turning to Byeong-Il. "Hey! Bring that bastard here!"

"You mean me?" He said, slightly shaking.

"Yeah! We have to get rid of him!" He yelled. Byeong-Il nodded and quickly left the room to find Hyun-Su.

"Voting, my ass! Are you all crazy?" He said, looking at everyone once more. His breathing was getting heavy the angrier he got. "Did you forget that someone just died!?"

"Are you against the result?" Eun-Hyuk asked, calmly.

"What? You don't know shit. Murder is killing a human being, not killing a giant fucking monster!" He screamed before flipping the table over.

Then suddenly, everyone froze.

The only sound that could be heard was the dripping of blood, it landed on the floor, soaking the paper with the votes written on them. It was heavy, and there was so much of it, staining the floor. Seok-Hyeon's nose had begun gushing with blood.

He was infected.

He covered his nose as everyone started to panic, they stepped away from him as he tried to get anyone to help. Even his wife didn't come near him. Ae-Cha and Eun-Hyuk stood behind him, not reacting at all. In a way, he sort of deserved it for how he was treating Hyun-Su.

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