
When she heard her name, she quickly turned around. She could've guessed who it was, and she would've been right. It was Varian. He was still in the role of a little duke and not her knight. This time, he didn't even have a sword. He was dawned all in white from head to toe. He wore his hair as Melody suggested he should-tightly slicked back. He held out his hand for her to take.

"Have you danced yet?" he asked.

Harry smiled and answered as she took his hand. "No."

"Then, can I be presumptuous and ask to be your first dance for the night?"

The two headed towards the dance floor hand-in-hand. Harry grinned another one of her foolish grins and answered, "Of course! Am I going to be your first dance too?"

"Yes," Varian answered. He returned her grin. "It is quite an honor to have your highness let me be your first partner."

They let go of each other's hands temporarily to bow and then began their dance. Harry had expected it since their first dance at the night market, but Varian was indeed a wonderful dancer. As the two glided across the ballroom, they became the stars of the show and set the standards high for the other couples for the rest of the night.

Harry and Varian spared them no glances. They continued to dance without missing a beat as they struck up a conversation.

"You followed Miss Melody's advice, I see," Harry said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I thought it was worth giving a try," Varian answered. He leaned close to Harry and asked, "How do I look?"

Varian's face was so close to hers that if she leaned forward, their lips would definitely meet. She was a little relieved when he pulled back.

"You look nice," Harry replied. "But."

Varian's face froze, and his body tensed. Harry reached her hand over and patted his head; his hair was hard and greasy.

"I like you with your hair down a little bit better."

"Is that so?" Varian asked as he once again leaned closer to her. "Then I'll have to wear my hair like that often."

Harry felt her face getting red. "Y-yes...and...you look good in fancy clothes like this too."

"Maybe I'll change the knight's uniforms then."

Harry couldn't win against him, but luckily for her, the music changed, and their dance ended.

"You dance well," he commended her.

"You do, too."

"Did you enjoy your dance, Princess?"


Harry wondered why Varian was acting so different tonight. She decided to ask him. "Var...Varian?"

He smiled and cocked his head to the side. "Hm?"

Harry looked away. She no longer had the confidence to look him in the eyes. "Why are you-" Before she could fully her get question out, her family finally found her.

"Harry," called Kahil. "What are you still doing on the dance floor? Are you waiting to dance with your amazing brother?"

"Kahil," Harry greeted. "And Mother and Father. Where have you all been?"

"We've been watching you dance, of course," replied Caroline. She turned towards Varian and nudged his arm. "Who knew your knight here was such a great dancer?" She then nudged her husband. "Well? Do you think we can beat them, your majesty?"

"I don't know about that," he answered. "My daughter has improved quite a bit since her first ball."

Harry was glad to hear him say that. It made her feel like all her efforts had been worth it.

"Save a dance for me later, Harry," the king said.

"Me too," said Kahil.

"It's been a while since I've danced with Harry," sighed Caroline. "What do you think? Shall we dance again, Harry?"

Harry laughed and answered, "Yes, let's do it!"

Harry ended up dancing with her family. She loved her dances with them, but her dance with Varian held a special place in her heart. Soon, her feet started to ache in her glass heels. She wanted to sit down, but the tiny guests of honor approached her.

"Harry!" called Claire as she wrapped her arms around Harry's waist. "Dance with us?"

Harry looked down at the two and gave a small laugh. "How could I say no?" she asked softly.

"Come on!" Claire giggled as she and Collin led her to the middle of the dance floor.

As much as Harry wanted to tell them no, she decided not to. The night was still young, and she was having so much fun. Her feet could wait. She could deal with the consequences later. The ball was not so bad, after all.

A Princess Named Harry: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now