Anderson says nothing, just observing as she works. Ana then goes through inspecting the shop like she always does. Ana frowns when one of the tires feels a little deflated.

"sorry, one second" Ana apologizes to Anderson, who doesn't respond, and Ana gets a pump. 

She quickly pumps it up and soon they are on their way. 

Ana rarely drives the cruiser so it takes some getting used to, since it's not like her old beat up Honda Civic that her grandparents bought used in Louisiana in '08. 


The day is going pretty well, handled a few domestic disputes, helped a man with his broken down truck, and arrested robbers.

Then they get the call.

"Seven Adam 10 - Domestic Disturbance Call three miles from your location, 1400 Hickory Drive."

"Seven Adam 10 - show us as responding" Ana says, softly, over the radio. 

They pull up to a suburban home whose door is swung wide open.

Ana frowns, getting out of the car and hearing arguing from inside the house. Anderson follows behind her, silently. Ana walks up into the house, her gun out. She pauses when she sees a young boy, around seven, sitting in the living room with headphones on. Ana taps him on the shoulder.

"hi, my name is Ana, what's your name?" Ana asks, softly.

"...Will" The seven year old says.

"Will? I love that name, can you do me a teeny favor and wait outside on the front yard near that police car, I'll be right there" Ana promises, softly.

Will agrees, and Ana makes sure he sits down by the shop before pulling her gun out again. The arguing is coming from upstairs but Ana still makes sure to clear the bottom floor of the house before climbing up the stairs. 

She clears all of the rooms on the second floor except for the one where yelling is coming from. The door is slightly open and Ana enters.

It's a nursery, Ana realizes. 

A baby is crying in the crib while parents are arguing against the wall. There's a little girl, maybe five, who is screaming at her mother.

Her mother, meanwhile, is being choked by the father.

"LAPD, get your hands off of her!" Ana orders, stepping into the room. 

The man turns, letting go of the woman and throwing a punch at Ana. Ana easily ducks, but the man is bigger than her and during the resulting fight, he throws Ana into the wall. Ana gets up, and manages to tackle him to the ground and cuff him. Ana starts to read him his Miranda rights when the woman starts screaming.

"Kylie, baby, put the gun down!" The woman yells. 

The five year old, Kylie, picked up a gun that her parents must own.

"you hurt him" Kylie yells. 

Ana surges forward to take the gun but it's too late. Kylie pulls the trigger, grazing Ana's arm but hitting her mom in the neck. Ana takes the gun and rushes over to the mother but she's already dead.

It's only then that Ana realizes that it's deathly quiet. Anderson is still standing in the doorway, but the baby isn't crying anymore.

Ana stands up, walking over to the crib only to see the infant laying lifeless. Ana reaches down and feels for a pulse but there is none.

"SID" Ana realizes, softly.

Kylie is screaming at her mom's dead body, the father is crying and it's all just a mess.

Altruism | Part One : TrustWhere stories live. Discover now