*BONUS* 29. Different (miles's pov)

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"Get out of my closet."

I ignored Cameron's half-hearted demand and continued shuffling through his clothes as he threw himself on his bed. He had to have something in here that was good enough for The Oak...and Loren.

"Do you want to come see the show?"

That moment was on repeat in my head. I memorized every single detail of Loren Reed asking me out. The slight flush of her cheeks, the way she played with her fingers. That blink-and-you-miss-it smile on her lips when I said yes.

Even though we didn't talk much while we painted, the silence filled with some show about demons slayers that she loved so much, I knew that smile was just the beginning. That whatever was holding her back was breaking down and she was ready to let me in.

At least, that's what I hoped.

If I was right about tonight, I wanted to look my best. Even if it meant dressing like Cameron in one of his family's annual Christmas pictures. I grabbed a black sweater and pulled it on. It was a little tight on my shoulders, but it'd have to do. I wasn't going home to get something from my own closet. Nothing was ruining this night for me. Especially not a run in with my dad.

Turning to Cameron, who was sprawled out on his bed, staring at his phone, I asked, "How do I look?"

His eyes lazily glanced at me from behind his glasses. "Like you're covered in cat hair."

My gaze darted down to the sweater. Sure enough, it was covered in cat hair. Oreo, the culprit, sat perched in the window, licking himself without a care in the world.

I peeled off the sweater and grabbed another, this time inspecting it closely. Cameron sat up on his elbows, now interested in what I was doing.

"Got a funeral to go to or something?"

"Depends on how the night goes." If I was wrong about everything, I'd have no choice but to walk into oncoming traffic.

I turned to him for his opinion on the green sweater. The look of absolute disgust on his face said more than enough.

"I have a date." Nerves twisted my gut at the word. What if she didn't see that way? What if I was building this up to something bigger in my head?

Then that small smile of hers popped into my head, refilling me with hope.

Cameron sat up fully, eyes wide with surprise. "With Loren? Seriously? She actually agreed to put up with your ego for the night?"

I nailed him in the face with the green sweater. "For your information, she asked me."

He was quiet for a little too long.


"Did she use the word 'date'?"

I turned back to the closet. "It was implied." Possibly.

"I'm just saying you have a tendency to rush into things. Ignoring all the signs that tell you to turn back."

I knew he was looking out for me, but doubt wasn't what I needed right now. And maybe I was betting too much on a smile I could've imagined, but I couldn't help it.

From the moment we met, I knew there was something about her. Something familiar. Something too big for me to even grasp, which was probably why my first reaction was to throw into a pool.

Even as a kid, I had a problem expressing myself. Mom said when I saw a cousin I hadn't seen in a long time, I'd get so excited I'd gut punch them instead of the normal thing, like a hug. I thought I'd learn to control my impulses since my days as a four-year-old. Apparently not.

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