"Myra, you should not spoil your career. I am there to take care of Neev. And we have Julia as well." He turned logical.

"Neil but if I join, then I have to go to the hospital. And my hours will be odd. I had to work on shifts. Neev is so small... You know he won't be able to stay without me..." Myra confessed her heart out.

"Being his mother, Neev will always stay small and baby for you my love. But you cannot forgo your hard earned career for him."

"And Julia... She is getting old. She won't be able to handle him. And I don't want any nanny to look after my baby." When it came to Neev, Myra was ready with all reasonings to oppose Neil.

"Myra, you are a mother. You will have the most influential role in Neev's mental, emotional development as a youth. He will look after you for any guidance. If you abandon your career it might engrave you as a weak mother in his mind."

"Myra, mother is a very crucial person in everyone's life. And you are a strong, composed and matured woman. You have to be the role model for him. If you leave your career in the middle like this, what will you teach him?"  Neil's words left a strong positive impact.

Myra, discussed her concerns with Nandini and she readily stepped ahead with a helping hand. Nadini was the one who pushed Myra to pursue her career.

When Myra finally joined medical internship, Nandini and Julia took care of little Neev lessening Myra's stress.

Initial days were tough for all of them, Myra used to turn teary while stepping out from home leaving her son behind. Nandini had a hard time managing cranky Neev, sometimes Niren or Dev also came as her support or some days Neil took him to office. Neil started managing his official schedule according to Myra. His unfathomable support was the keystone in shaping Myra's career.

Eventually, Neev fell into routine, his cries subsided by obliging his mother's new schedule.

Though the moment she stepped inside home, her every moment was occupied by the little guy limiting any quality time for his father with his darling wife. But Neil never complained, he was totally aware about bonding between his two precious possessions.

As a family, they all stood behind Myra to fulfil her mother's dream to become a doctor. 

Family had a gala time when Myra completed her internship earning a degree. She started pursuing gynaecology and obstetrics as her masters.

Neev's third birthday eve, brought the news of one more addition to their little family. It was night after Neev's 12 am birthday celebrations with his dear parents when Myra put him to bed and was whispering in his ears. 'You're gonna be a big brother my baby.'

Neil was watching the duo from the doorstep of the room. He entered, stood beside his wife who was caressing their son's hairs pushing them back which were falling on his forehead.

"Let him sleep." Neil whispered in her ears kissing her cheeks and wrapping his arm around her stomach from back.

He swiftly lifted her in bridal style in his arms. "Now make me sleep." He rubbed his nose tip on her cheeks. She giggled feeling giddily.

Neil brought her to bed and made her sit on the bed while settling himself in front of her. He brushed his fingers over her cheeks, his eyes turned dark reflecting his passion. He bent towards capturing her lips in an intense kiss. Myra reciprocated equally, leading their passionate love making.

"Ohh god Myra... I still can't get enough of you." He confessed after long hours of intimacy. She giggled at his confession.

"I love you." He kissed her forehead.

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