"So, my parents are going out of town this weekend, and I thought maybe you could stay the night. I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I'm ready... to do it." He said.

"Sean, I'm not ready. I made a commitment to myself, a commitment I want to honor."

"Good. Nice work, you guys. Sit down." The teacher complimented. "May I have two other volunteers, please?"

"Cassandra. You wanna give it a go?"


"And why's that?" He said not really interested.

"Let's just say I don't meet the requirements to participate. I'm just here for moral support." I said. "But I'm sure my sister would love to be a part of the exercise." I smirked.  

"Hanna. Get up. You can be the instigator." She stood up, glaring at me.


"Uh, no, I'm really more comfortable in an observational role during sexercise."

"Come on, you two. Let's go."

Hanna sighs "So, you want to come up to my room?"

"I can't do this." Lucas complained.

"But you make me so hot."

"No, I mean, I can't do this with you. Girls like her don't approach guys like me unless they have deep-seated self-esteem issues and a serious drinking problem." I laughed but covered it with a cough as the teacher gave me a dirty look.

"Just play along, Lucas. Come on."

"This is embarrassing."


"Because I don't need to know how to rebuff the advances of a genetic splice between Barbie and Shakira. It's just never gonna happen."

"The point of this is to be prepared for the situation when it does arise..." The teacher began saying.

"Mr. Mazarra, let's look at the facts. I have the upper-body strength of screech, and I spend my weekends playing Wii alone. I think my virginity is pretty well safeguarded." Lucas argued.

"Both of you, start again."

"So, you wanna come up to my room?"

"Yes." Lucas said making Hanna and I laugh.


At school, I walked to the cafeteria to meet with Spencer and my sister, but unfortunately Mona was there too.

"So, is it true you're taking the country club's towel boy to homecoming?" She asked Spencer.

"His name is Alex, and yes, I am." Replied Spencer as I sat down next to her.

"Mona, I like your hair today," she was about to take the compliment when I said, "How did you manage to hide your horns?" I smirked as her smile fell.

Mona sent me a death glare. "Can you go get me a fro-yo with sprinkles?" My sister told her.

Hanna turned to me. "I know she's insecure, but was that necessary?"

"Yes it was. And 'insecure' is an understatement."

"Why are you friends with her?" Spencer asked.

"Once you get to know her, she's really funny. And she's always there for me, even if it's just to watch me try on shoes. Look, she's a good person. She just talks tough so people will forget what a geek she used to be."

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