There's no place like Homecoming

Start from the beginning

"I thought you were excited about homecoming." My sister told me.

I huffed. "No Han. You were exited about homecoming."

"Come on, you have to go. It's just you are never around anymore. I miss hanging out with you."

Ouch. I guess I have been a bit distant. I've either been with Wilden in his apartment or locked smoking in my room or even with Theo.

"Fine I'll go, but you're paying for my dress." I said. "Anyway, Spence are you going with Alex?"

"Yep" she smiled. "It'll be our first official date."

"Wait, you're bringing him to homecoming?So, this is real!" Aria said excitedly.

"Look at her blush!"


"Damn! Now I have to come." Aria joked.

"Seriously, you guys, he's not gonna know anybody there, so can you just do your best to make him feel included?"

"No, we were planning on freezing him out." Hanna replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, there goes my evil plan to ignore him all night." I joked.

"All right, moving on." Spence rolled her eyes. "Em, who are you gonna bring?"

"I think I'm gonna go stag."

"I will, too." Agreed Aria.

"Why don't you guys come together?

"Oh, you'd make such a cute couple." Spencer suggested.

"How did I just go from wearing mom jeans to being Samantha Ronson?" Aria joked and she and Spencer chucked while Hanna and I shared a knowing look.

"Who cares who anyone goes to this thing with? I mean, it's just a dance. You should bring someone who you have fun with."

"I might want to go with someone. I just don't want people thinking it means more than it does." Emily explained. "What about you Cassie?"

"I mean Noel asked me, I said no but I guess I can tell him we can go as friends."

"Just as friends?" Spencer smirked.

I groaned. "Yes! I don't like Noel like that."

"Alright, alright." She turned to Emily. "Are you and Ben back together?"

"No. No, of course not."

"So... who's the mystery dude?"

"I'm starving." Hanna said suddenly and opened a fortune cookie.

"What's wrong? Bad fortune?" Emily joked.

"Yeah, Confucius says stop being such a drama queen."

"Lions and tigers and bitches, oh my! There's no place like homecoming. See you there. 'A.'"


My day started off horribly. Apparently Sean was is some virgins club with that girl Amber and Hanna decided to drag me there with her.

"Okay I don't understand why you're dragging me to this." I snapped annoyed. "You do realize that you need one thing to be part of this virgin's club and I don't have it."

She rolled her eyes. "I can't do this alone. You won't have to participate you're just here for moral support."

"Fine, but you owe me, big time." We sat down while Sean and Amber did the exercise. 

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