91 - Spring break!

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*Emma pov*

It's spring break, that means Millie is home from school and I'm slowly getting back at work cause the busiest season is here!
But since today is Sunday, it only means one thing...lunch at Lisa's!

There won't be the whole family, Carly her husband and the kids went to spend spring break in California, Scott and Steve are on a trip to England which means it all be us, Shanna and her husband, Matt and Tina and my father.

Chris and I got our three girls ready and into the car, Chris went back inside to get Dodger and then we drove to Lisa's house while making small conversation.
"What did your mom said she'd make for lunch?"
"She didn't want to tell me..."
"Mhm...she's gonna surprise us...everything she makes is delicious so I'm not worried..."
After pulling up at Lisa's house and getting everyone out of the car we walked into my mother in law house and said 'hello' to everybody.

"Need help in the kitchen?" I ask putting my hand on Lisa's back
"There's not much left to do sweetie, but you cans stay and make Shanna and I company as we wait for you brother and Tina.
We started talking about different things, the kids, plans for the summer, how's the bakery going and other stuff. In the meantime my brother arrived and so we all settled down in the living room, the twins had already eaten cause while I was in the kitchen with Shanna and Lisa Chris and my father bottle fed them, next month we're gonna start giving them some solid foods.
"This smells amazing" Matt says as Lisa brings what she made over to the table.
"Home made ravioli, with my grandmother recipe...Chris and Shanna sure remember these, I used to make them a lot when they were little"
"Gosh these are amazing" Shanna says
Even though her and I were in the kitchen with her the pot was closed and she was finishing to cut the vegetables for later so we didn't get to peek
"I missed eating these" Chris comments
Lisa serves everyone a good plate of ravioli and then we all dig in making some conversation over our meal.
Of course the ravioli Lisa made were absolutely amazing...again you can't really go wrong with her cooking!

After lunch Chris and I helped Lisa in the kitchen while Shanna entertained Millie playing Barbies with her and the rest of the family helped lulling the twins to sleep.
"Spotless" Chris says after finishing to clean the last piece of counter
"Thanks for the help kids" Lisa says kissing no to our cheeks and then leading us into her living room where we all sat down and started to quietly play monopoly...there's one thing about playing monopoly in this family...everyone immediately gets so competitive. Millie always laughs at us for the childish antics we pull and if her cousins were here they would make fun of us too, the kids at much more mature then we are...


After finishing with the monopoly we decided to go take a walk and during that we mostly talked about Tina and Matt's wedding

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After finishing with the monopoly we decided to go take a walk and during that we mostly talked about Tina and Matt's wedding. They had already chose the date, that was really fast, and are looking at dresses, rings, the invitations are beginning to get together.
The date is December 4th of this year so it's in about 8 months from now, they told us they managed to set a date and chose a place so soon cause one of Tina's best friend that married three years ago had the reception in a place both her and Matt liked so they went there and found out you can have the ceremony there as well so they booked it.
I'm so excited for my brother to get married, him and Tina are made for each other and I can't wait to see them all dressed up that day!

The walk was nice, the weather getting warmer so it was a perfect end to our afternoon with the family. We briefly got back to Lisa's house to get a couple of things and the left to go back home.
Since Carly just shared with us a couple of photos of her kids we did just the same. I'm glad they're having fun and Carly took some time to relax.

"Today was nice wasn't it?" Chris says as he pulls me down on top of him to cuddle once we're in bed
"Very nice"
He kisses my head and I lay it on his chest as we keep speaking
"I think your brother is gonna ask you to be his best girl for the wedding" he says after some time
"I bet on it, they way you two are so close I'm sure of it"
"Mhm...probably...we'll see. I I get to be I'm happy"
"It's gonna be a perfect day for them"
"Yeah I can't wait..." I mumble knowing that I'm getting lulled to sleep by the steady movement of his chest and his heartbeat...

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