17 - Making plans

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*Chris pov*

It's been a couple of days since the gender reveal and me proposing to Emma and the both of us have been having stupid grins on our faces all day long, it's just how happy we are.
I am currently laying on the couch and cuddling with Dodge, Scott is next to me watching tv and Emma said that once she's out of the shower she has to talk with me.
I also kind of wanted to start talking about the wedding cause since we want to get married before the princess arrives we have to start planning

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"Do you guys need me to move?" Scott asks when Emma sits down next to me to talk"I don't mind having you here Scott" Emma tells him"Me neither" I say"Ok" he says and gets comfy again to finish watch his tv series"What is it that you wanted to talk...

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"Do you guys need me to move?" Scott asks when Emma sits down next to me to talk
"I don't mind having you here Scott" Emma tells him
"Me neither" I say
"Ok" he says and gets comfy again to finish watch his tv series
"What is it that you wanted to talk about baby?"
"It's something I discussed with the doctor the other day"
"Is everything ok?" I ask slightly worried
"Yes, yes Chris. I would like to have a home birth, doc says it's ok and that I can do it but I won't do it if you tell me your not comfortable with me doing this"
"A home birth?"
"Yes...because first of all I fell like I can be more in control since I'm in my own house and also more comfortable cause it's a familiar environment plus I don't want to take unnecessary risks of getting Covid by going to the hospital and seeing so many people, plus you won't be able to be with me. But again tell me if you are not comfortable and I won't do it"
"Emma, sweetheart, I don't care if I'm gonna be comfortable or not. You and our baby girl are my top one priority and if by giving birth at home you'll feel better, of course we'll have a home birth baby. I want and need you to be as comfortable as possible as you bring our child into this crazy world"
"Are you sure? Cause this means that I'll ask a lot more out of you if we're doing this at home"
"And I'll be ready to support you in every way possible"
"So we're doing this?"
"Let's have a home birth" I say kissing her lips softly "how do we prepare for this?"
"I'll have to find a midwife, my obgyn recommended me a few from where I can choose from and I have to decide if I want it to be a water birth or not, make a plan in case things go wrong"
"Ok, ok. We can do it, plus I'd be really really bummed if I can't be in the delivery room with you"
"I know and I'll be too cause I'm gonna be alone so I think this is the best choice for us"
"It is and I can't wait to meet her"
"Me too" she says before we share a sweet kiss
"Sounds like a great plan" Scott says apparently wanting to be part of the convo...
"It'll be without medication right?" I ask
"Yup!" She says probably a little intimidated by this
"I'm sure you can do it, cause your strong Emma"
She smiles at me and for a couple of minutes we just cuddle up with Dodger.

"Wait you said you wanted to talk too..." she says
"Oh yeah...wedding talk" I say moving her around so she can be more comfortable
"So since you agreed on marrying before baby arrives we need to figure out what to do"
"Mhm...which will be tough because of Covid"
"Yeah. So I was thinking around July? It's two months from now and we have two more months before baby girl"
"I'm ok with it, I just hope restrictions won't be as strict as now"
"Me too, I want our families to be here with us. We have the place, our backyard is perfect, just add a little decoration and we have it"
"I agree, we're home in our own familiar place enjoying one of the most important days of our lives"
"Yeah. Then if we want once this thing dies down we can do a party with friends"
"That would be nice"
"So July?"
"Mrs. Evans in July...date?"
"You'll choose" I tell her
"Mhm" she grabs her phone and opens the calendar app and goes to July "what do you say of Monday 20th?"
"Perfect!" I say kissing her lips a few times not wanting to pull away
"Get a room..." Scott whispers
"Shut up..." I say laughing

As Scott then went outside to play with Dodger we discussed a few more details of both wedding and birth. I also choose to text a few of my friends that I proposed to Emma so that when I'll post a picture on instagram in the close friends they won't freak out and fill my dm's.

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@chrisevans Instagram story - close friends

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emmawyler Had to say yes to him! Can't wait to be your wife baby💙
I love you so much!!!

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And thank you so much for over 800 reads!!!

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