16 - Halfway

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*Emma pov*

It's been a couple of weeks since that little accident happened, and after Chris talked with Megan he decided to make another Instagram story saying that it was a photo of a woman that was at the same New Year's party he was at, and from there things died down luckily.
I've been spending time with Chris where he told me what to do in case he has another panic attack  or how and when he takes his anxiety medication, and now I feel a really prepared.

Anyway today is a really special day, first of all today I'm 20 weeks, so baby E is halfway baked and I'm finding out the gender.
Unfortunately cause of Covid Chris won't be able to come in the doctors office so he'll just drive me there and wait in the car as I do my sonogram, plus I'm planning to surprise him on the gender once we get home. Last week I bought a bow tie and a hair bow and I'll ask him to close his eye and give one of the items and ask him to try to recognize what it is and he'll find out if it's a girl or a boy.
"Are you ready baby?" Chris asks walking in the hallway as I'm tying my shoes
"Yup!" I smile at him as he helps me up
We get in the car and he drive to the doctor

"I'm sad that I can't get to see our little bean"
"I know baby" I say caressing his cheeks as we wait a little more in the parking lot since we're a few minutes early and due to Covid its better not to enter a place if you're early.
"I'll tell you what, I'll face time you as soon as I'm settled ok?"
"I'd like that" he gently brings his lips to mine and kisses me a few times before kissing and caressing my belly
"Time for my appointment" I say watching my wristwatch "love you"
"Love you too"

I walk in the building and the nurse directs me straight for my doctor.
"Ms. Wyler it's nice to see you again"
"You too, hope everything is ok in your family"
"It is. How about yours?"
"So far good. My brother is living with my dad while I moved into Chris house so he could help and his family is doing ok aswell"
"I'm glad to hear that and I'm very sorry Chris can't attend this"
"Well, I have a request. Could I maybe FaceTime him, he's really bummed that he can't be in here"
"Of course you can. I'll just ask you a few more questions and then we'll move to the ultrasound"
"Do you want for find out the gender?"
"Yes, but I'll keep it from Chris, want to surprise him"
"Very well"
He ask me routine questions and then lets me lay down and call Chris
"Hey beautiful, doc!"
"Hello there Chris! Are we ready to see your baby?"
"I am" I say
"I've been waiting for this for so long...go ahead"
The doctor squirts the gel on my belly and the first thing he does is measuring the baby
"In track with a healthy 20 weeks baby" he says now looking for the heartbeat
"Oh man...this always makes me cry" Chris says hearing our baby's heartbeat
He check a few more things before he tells me he's ready to let me know the gender, I mute Chris call as he tells me what we're having and I can't refrain from crying a little.
And before we schedule my next appointment I ask him a few more questions hoping he would say it's ok for me to do so.

Once I'm back in the car Chris holds me for a couple of minutes before driving back home, all jittery to know the gender.
We change and dispose of our face masks before we sit on our bed since Scott is in the living room and I want Chris to know first.
"Ok so how are we doing this?" He asks tucking his legs under his butt
"I'll give you either a bow tie or a hair bow and with closed eyes you have to try recognize the item which of course will reveal our baby gender"
"Super ready baby!" He says smiling before closing his eyes
"Don't peak! Here..." I say giving the item to him
A minute passes as I watch him touch the item and pass it between on hand and the other
"Mhm...bow tie?" He asks a little unsure
"Guess you're gonna have to open your eyes to find out if you are right..."
He breaths in deeply before releasing and slowly opens his eyes, a big smile on his face as I already have tears down my cheeks
"A hair bow..."
"I'm gonna be a girl daddy?"
"Yes, your gonna be a girl daddy"
"Oh baby, you don't know how happy I am right now! I always dreamt to be a girl dad"
"I know, come here"
I hug him as thought as I can with my belly int between us
"Are you happy?"
"I really am Chris, I can't wait to see you with our baby girl"
"Our little princess...and you're my queen"
"I love you"
"Chris?" I say looking at him as he moves from the bed
"I...I love you so much, I never fall in love this fast and probably I was never truly in love with someone cause I never felt this way. Only you are able to make me feel this way. So what I want to ask you is" he says getting down on one knee in front of our bed
"You can say no if you think this is too fast, but I love you and I love our baby girl so much and I really, really like for you to have my last name before our princess comes. So Emma Wyler, will you make me the luckiest man on earth by marring me and becoming Mrs. Evans?"
"I'd be a fool to say no to the man I love the most"
"So it's a yes?" He ask as he cries and at the same time wipes my tears off my cheeks
"Yes, yes a million times yes Chris!"
He puts the beautiful ring on my left rings finger and then kisses it before kissing my lips
"I love you so much Emma"
"Love you too baby"

Hidden Love at Covid Times - Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now