Stricken, the pleas burst from her mouth: "Please, your Excellency, you must understand. I only ever obeyed and aimed to please. I do not know what else to do, I only want to serve!" She pleaded, her bottom lip trembling.

"You will be serving the Church. Just in a different capacity. You will accompany me this evening to meet the Church council. If you are on your best behaviour, you may have a position amongst the most powerful in this country."

The Archbishop rose from his seat, emptying his wine cup before setting it down.

"And Constance?" Koko stood as well and turned her full attention to him, wiping her tears.

"You will keep this arrangement to yourself, you will not speak of what happens at this gathering. Do I have your understanding?"

Koko nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yes, your Excellency. I understand perfectly." She smiled at him then. He didn't return her smile but he gave her a sharp nod.

"Follow me, then."

And that's how she found herself seated next to him, on a dais. He presided over the gathering as each priest reported to him and they discussed important matters of politics. Koko had no interest in the discussion, as much as she tried to concentrate. She felt dazed at how many eyes were on her, after living in the convent for a decade.

The priests congregating in front of her, speaking over each other, intimidated her but no one as much as the Archbishop. She felt his cold countenance next to her, flinched when he spoke as his words carried over the council.

"I have heard your grievances, my fellow brothers. Rest assured, we will be fruitful in our mission for the Church and for God. I have brought a new offering, as you can see."

Koko shifted in her seat as all eyes swiveled to her. She looked down to avoid the stares, her breathing becoming shallow. There were more than twenty priests who formed the council and she was the only woman present.

"Soon, she will be ready to serve Church and God as we take this country back to its glory days. You may trust in my word." The Archbishop announced as enthusiastic clapping ensued.

"My brothers, we shall adjourn this meeting but rest assured, we are on the path to victory. Enjoy the festivities tonight, as tomorrow is a new dawn." 

As the priests cheered and returned to their seats, Koko watched the Archbishop for his cue to rise and return to her room. She was also hoping he would join her. It was not her place to ask, she knew. And besides, she suspected someone like him would not take kindly to being told, he only took what he wanted. So she awaited his next command, though it did not come.

The doors of the hall opened and a stream of beautifully dressed women entered, with a few men mixed into the group. The Archbishop watched stonily as he leisurely sipped from his wine goblet.

Koko sat fascinated as the richly dressed revelers joined the men of God at their tables, mingling, laughing, and offering drinks. A musical band had set up in a corner of the hall, the sounds of drums, flute, and harp in the background as the meeting turned into a party. Wine and liquor flowed liberally, while serving staff offered little bites on large silver platters. There were pastries but also savory foods like quiche and smoked meats, and fruits piled high.

A server brought forth a platter just for the Archbishop, who waved the servant away after he placed it in front of them. Koko watched the Archbishop from the corner of her eye, wondering if she could also partake in such a feast. The church council meeting had been several hours and she was feeling the pangs of hunger again.

"Yes Constance. You may help yourself." The Archbishop said drily, even though he didn't look at her. Koko couldn't help a small smile which turned into a wide grin as she did as she was told, piling her plate, trying a lush, red grape first. As she bit into it, the juices filling her mouth, she inwardly moaned at the sweetness. So focused she was on the food in front of her, it took her some time to question the newcomers to this gathering. She generally did not ask questions, as she was an obedient girl and did not see what purpose it served - she knew her place and was content. But then she wondered what the well groomed group of mostly women were here for. Perhaps they had some matters of importance to discuss, needing spiritual guidance.

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