The Rooftop of Tomorrow

Start from the beginning

As the car pulled up to their destination, Arisa bid farewell to Tia, expressing her gratitude once more before stepping out into the bustling city streets

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Stepping into the floral shop, Arisa was immediately greeted by a burst of vibrant colors and the sweet, intoxicating scent of freshly cut flowers. Her eyes widened in awe as she took in the stunning array of blooms that adorned the shop, each one more beautiful than the last.

The shelves were lined with bouquets of every hue imaginable, from delicate pastel roses to bold, crimson dahlias. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the floral displays and filled the shop with an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.

Arisa's gaze swept over the stunning array of blooms, her eyes alighting on the vibrant hues and delicate petals. With a curious tilt of her head, she turned to address the familiar face behind the counter, her excitement evident in her voice.

"Are these the new set of flowers that we'll be selling now?" Arisa inquired, her eyes alight with anticipation.

Just then, Kaning emerged from behind a towering vase, her bright pink outfit perfectly complementing the blossoms that surrounded her. Her chestnut hair cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders, framing her heart-shaped face. Her almond-shaped eyes sparkled with warmth and excitement, perfectly matching the rosy hue of her cheeks. Dressed in a flowing pink blouse adorned with delicate floral patterns, Kaning exuded an air of effortless elegance and charm.

"Hey, Arisa! Yes, these are the new arrangements," Kaning replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I've been experimenting with some different combinations, and I think they really make a statement, don't you?"

As Arisa approached Kaning, a warm smile graced her lips, mirroring the excitement sparkling in her friend's eyes.

"These arrangements are stunning, Kaning," Arisa remarked, gesturing towards the vibrant blooms.

"Thanks, Arisa! I've been working on them for days," Kaning replied, her enthusiasm bubbling over. "They really bring a fresh energy to the shop, don't you think?"

Arisa nodded in agreement, her gaze lingering on the array of colors before turning back to Kaning. With a playful grin, she reached out to help her friend with the heavy vase, their fingers meeting as they steadied the vessel together.

As they worked side by side, arranging flowers and sharing stories, the conversation turned to school. Arisa found herself opening up to Kaning about recent events, including the unexpected turn of events with Thyme. Kaning's eyes widened in surprise, nearly causing her to drop the vase in her hands.

"Wait, you and Thyme are dating?!" Kaning exclaimed, her voice a mixture of shock and delight.

Arisa nodded, a blush rising to her cheeks at the memory of Thyme's confession. "I know, it's still kind of surreal to me too," she admitted, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Kaning beamed at her friend, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "That's amazing, Arisa! I'm so happy for you. It's about time you got out of your shell and found someone who appreciates you."

Kaning's eyes widened with excitement as an idea sparked in her mind. "Oh my gosh, Arisa, I just had the most brilliant idea!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm.

Arisa glanced at her friend, curiosity piqued. "What's up, Kaning? You look like you've just discovered the secret to eternal happiness."

Grinning from ear to ear, Kaning leaned in closer, her eyes shining with excitement. "How about a double date?" she suggested eagerly.

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