Prince x Knight

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Fang never left Gogobugi and is still a prince there. Ying and the others meet Ochobot and have their powers and they meet Fang on a TAPOPS mission on Gogobugi. An incident similar to canon happened and Fang got his shadow powers. Afterwards the Kokotiam gang were tasked with protecting Fang despite him knowing how to handle himself. They're all 15-6

The raven haired boy sighed as he was siting in his bed reading a book. He was bored out of his mind. Ever since that incident with the terrorists, his parents made sure he was never without protection. He could never get time alone. Even now a certain brunette in orange was standing outside his door. Most of the time he's been confined to his bed, as he still hasn't completely healed. It was dusk and once again Fang was going to attempt to sneak out like he usually did long before the incident .

 It was dusk and once again Fang was going to attempt to sneak out like he usually did long before the incident

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(What he's wearing)

Fang: Hey, Kopi!

Fang turns his attention to his Evan friend who was snoring on his desk. Who woke up after a few pokes.

Kopi: ... huh? What?

Fang: Let's go. I wanna get outta here.

Kopi: Wait what? Hang on Fang I don't think that's a good idea. You're still injured!

Under Fang's clothes were bandages from the incident. Yes he still hadn't fully recovered. Not like thats ever stopped him.

Fang: Relax I'll be fine, I'm not gonna train or anything. I just wanna get away from those guards.

Kopi: They're not that bad.

Fang: Not that really I hate them, they're definitely better than the other guards I've had; but being supervised by people 24/7 is suffocating.

Kopi: Then why don't you go yourself . You've done it before.

Fang: Ah... my legs still hurt so-

Kopi: Fang...

Fang: Please Kopi come on!

Kopi: Alright...

She reluctantly got up and they both went to the window. Fang looked out to see if the coast was clear and Kopi enlarged herself and Fang sat on her back. The two then jumped and flew off.

















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