Chapter 4: The Sting of Love

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"Will! Wait!" Jack and Violet yelled in unison

As I ran, lightning cracked with each footstep, striking out randomly, preventing Violet and Jack from running after me.

The Captain kicked me in the chest, throwing me onto my back, lightning reaching out to him as if to retaliate.

"Stop!" I heard Evlos yell

I coughed, holding my chest as Evlos ran over to me, lightning striking him over and over, but with each strike he was unphased.

"No! Please!" I yelled holding my hand out.

I closed my eyes, feeling as if everyone around me was going to get hurt, but then a certain warmness came over me. Almost like a flood of water washing over me, as if the sun was shining directly onto me.

"Its ok" I heard Evlos say faintly

I opened my eyes and realized he was hugging me, I looked at him, his eyes now a radiant blue, drastically different from his brown eyes.

"I hurt you, I hurt them," I said, my voice shaking

Within an instant I heard Evlos whisper, what he whispered I'm unsure, but the lightning faded. The storm was quelled in an instant, everything was once again calm.

"The council will want to know of this," Jack said sternly.

"If they learn of this, they'll want him imprisoned" Violet quickly stated.

"If he can't control the damn lightnin' then ya bet your trousers they will" The Captain muttered.

"No, they will not know, I invoke the rule of One" Evlos said, a golden aura now surrounding him.

The whole group gasped, taking a few steps back as he stood up.

"It is my right, as the Ancient One of Fire, I Invoke the Rule Of One, Will is now the bearer of my heart, he is now under my sole protection, and above all else, he is now my responsibility" Evlos yelled, golden and silver chains now wrapping around his chest and arms.

I looked over to Evlos, seeing chains wrap themselves around me as well.

"You. Dare. Invoke. The. Rule!" Jack yelled, clenching his jaw, "He is not your pet, He is not YOURS to claim!"

"And you'd be so quick to turn him over," Evlos said as the chains dissipated

"Rules are in place to keep order and balance in place, to keep all of us on the right track!" Jack yelled

"Arguing won't get us far, We are now certain he's Lightning Opili, but we have bigger fish to fry than this," Violet said stepping between the two

For as long as I remember, Evlos and Jack have always been at odds, Evlos is a free spirit and breaks almost every rule when needed. Jack, on the other hand, follows rules to the very last letter, at times it could be a bit much but he always did it because he cares.

"I have to side with Evlos on this one, The Light Order might put 'em' in cuffs and attempt to control em," The Captain said, looking at Jack with a stern expression.

"They'd protect him and train him, he has power he can't control," Jack said through gritted teeth.

"What's done is done, he invoked the rule, the only thing that can break it is death itself," Violet said, a grim expression washing over her face.

Evlos knelt, looking me up and down to make sure I was ok.

"What have you done...?" I asked slowly.

"Protecting you, from harm, you're my friend, why wouldn't I protect you" Evlos said with concern.

Tales from Tepata: LightningWhere stories live. Discover now