Chapter 3: Lightning Strikes

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It's an interesting thing, life I mean, one never knows where it will go or the many twists and turns it can take, and yet we sit in fear as to what tomorrow could hold. The Journey has only just begun and part of me regrets having decided to do it, not because of the creatures hunting us, but because I miss the silent life. Then there is the half of me that is glad I decided to do it because I get to grow closer to Evlos and Jack, sure my feelings towards Evlos probably influenced my choice but, the man I love and my best friend? I wouldn't want to make this journey with anyone else.

"You know, you'll get to see a lot more of the world Puppup" Evlos said, nudging me in the arm.

"And how much of that time will be spent being hunted?" I asked

"Almost all of it. This path that has been chosen isn't an easy one, but you have me to help you and make it easier, and Jack too, of course," Evlos explained, a sense of remorse washing over his face.

"Evlos, will I die?" I said, the words just flowing out of my mouth.

I didn't mean to ask the question but it's a fear that's present, if making this choice means my death then will it have been worth it? Like many others, I'd prefer not to die for something I was thrust into.

"No, I won't let it happen. That's my promise to you" Evlos said grabbing my hand and looking into my eyes.

My heart skipped a beat, his hand was warm and soft. A sense of safety washed over me as if I could just let go of everything and rest. In all my years of knowing Evlos, never once has he ever grabbed my hand.

"th-thanks" I stuttered, my face turning red

"Hopefully, tonight when we find a place to settle into, we can start training you a bit. Proficiency with a blade will be rather important." He smiled softly

"Wait!" Violet yelled

All of us paused for a moment as Violet crouched down to the ground.

"what happened? Are we gettin' ambushed?" The Captain asked

'no, I forgot to grab my jerky before I left the cabin" Violet said, a tear forming in her eye

'you stopped us because you misplaced food?" Jack bluntly asked

"Jerky! Not food, Jerky!" Violet yelled

" We can buy you more in Rekurtha?" Evlos said, trying to figure out if he should ask or state it.

"yes! It's a deal" Violet said instantly cheering up.

" We stopped over jerky..." Jack said as he facepalmed

"jerky is love, jerky is life, Jerky is everything a growing warrior needs to brave the forces of evil," Violet said factually.

"Jerky is useless for this adventure, and you stopped us from continuing over something so useless!" Jack yelled

"Jerky is delicious, something you wouldn't know about Jack, or should I say, Jack in the mud" Violet yelled back

"How about we-" The Captain began

"How about you shut your mouth!" Jack and Violet yelled in unison.

"Enough!" Evlos yelled, his voice booming like thunder, "We are not doing this now, you can argue over the importance of jerky when we find shelter!"

"If the sun starts setting, we'll be done for, and I don't know about y'all, but I ain't one for bein' vulnerable to monsters," The Captain said, cleaning out his pipe

Evlos walked ahead, almost as if to say 'Follow or get left behind'.

"We'll settle this later, jerky hater" Violet muttered, following Evlos.

Tales from Tepata: LightningWhere stories live. Discover now