Chapter 3

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I wonder how many of you guys have been ditched for the way you looked.I am pretty sure those who are considered ugly by the society always get bullied by their so called friends...I mean classmates at school.I don't know why our Indian society regards the bullies as friends and those who do ragging in the college as to the way of getting friendly with the seniors.
It might be a way but it is always the sensitive ones who do suicide after their feelings potted up for years.It is always the ones who could not take others being sadistic and just overthink a lot.

What is fun in seeing someone suffer emotionally?

Yet again I always think those do suicides are braver to actually not live in the hell that we created ourselves and try to push others inside the morality which we think is right...

When I was a pre teen,I was always fascinated about a dark skinned girl's outspoken nature eventhough she was dark.She never really cared about her skin tone and never felt inferior to others which I was the opposite.She was always outgoing,joyful and always keep the people surrounded her happy.But as we say the smiles are drawn to hide the emptiness.My mother went to her house to invite them for my salangai Pooja and the girl's mother started talking about how this girl who is merely eleven years old wake up in the middle of the night to study and then her parents stopped pushing her into academics and just let her be.

And that's how crazy our education system and our parents who would probably push us in the ocean if we didn't score marks that meets their expectation.

When I got to know about the western education system,I was thrilled on how they were not forced into doing things and were actually given chances to decide what is right and the parents just give their hands to let them grow.They wouldn't mug up anything as we do in here and actually have practical education.When our teachers wouldn't teach us reproduction chapters,the teachers in the western countries actually give out condoms.

Note again I am not saying it is right but we have to know about reproduction and menstrual cycle.Most of us don't even know if we like opposite gender or not cause it is a damn taboo to talk about it.If they don't push us into the ocean,how would we learn to not sink?

When I came to know about lgbtq,I was stunned would be an understatement.I guess only in india,transgenders come onto the train and ask us to give money because they are different.

Yet again it is not their fault.We restricted them from doing any job and they chose to beg.

Fault is on our ancestors.

But the highlight is modern America is the ancient India.

The ones who were broad minded and open to everything are too conservative to even let a woman wear crop tops showing a thin line of her waist....

And if I tell my opinions out ,I will be called a child with no good upbringing.

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