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Once my sister and I were escorted to our room we remove our veils and sigh Anna-Beth tosses it aside as I lay mine on the bedside table
"How much more do I have to wear this stupid thing, it's not like I'm getting married"
Anna-Beth asked I sighed again and answered "I don't know but mother said we have to wear it until my wedding is done and we can't remove it infront of anyone"
"how does everything you do somehow have to affect my it's not messed up enough because of you but now I can't even show my face" Anna-Beth confesses and then I try to calm her down "Ann-" but she cuts me off "But you know what I'm actually happy for you, well not for you exactly but happy that you will be out of my life and I won't have to live in your bitchey shadow" I was about to respond when we both got startled by a rather loud voice
I instantly whip my head around to see brother Jeremy
"brother it's alright, there is no reason to yell-" he cuts me off "what do You mean no reason to yell you have always let her tramp all over you from the time she was born and now..."
he takes a deep breath as he falls and I run to grab him just before he hits the ground.
Now here's something you don't know about my family my brother, Father and I have this speech problem we all were late in talking and my father's, father the late King George hadn't taken it too well when my father was born and treated him as of no use until my father's older brother who was supposedly next in line to the throne had died from this terrible plague no one knew of until it was too late now before the plauge had broken out my father was sent away to Russia because my grandfather didn't...well he didn't like my father because apparently he was a disappointment towards him so that's why my father never got the sickness. Late king George also never got this sickness he was keep away as his eldest son died making my father next in line. After Prince Wallace's death my grandfather became more kind to my father but he knew it was all a charad and once my grandfather died my father took over and ruled the kingdom then he married for love something I wanted to do but apparently I don't have much of a choice and so that speech problem passed down to my brother and I whenever we are upset or angry we tend to stutter, lose control of our voice,our hands tend to shake. Our father overcame it but we are still...pure in a way.
I run to my brother as he shakes violently and stutters, I try to calm him down "shhh now brother... It is all good don't worry, you are fine" I turn to look at Anna-Beth and tell her to put on her veil and go call mother and father immediately, she runs out the room after putting on her veil to call them.
"mother and father are on their way, calm down please" I sit there with him on the floor holding him as he tries to speak while gasping for air.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 14 ⏰

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