- Let's go somewhere - she said putting her hands on my shoulders.
- Do you know anywhere we could go? - she asked.
- I know a bar - I said. But I could tell that she was thinking of another place to go.
We walked down the street and she was exploring with her eyes places we could go to.
- Let's go to Kentucky - she said looking at my eyes again and making me feel a million emotions at once.
- Yeah! Let's go there - I said.

I observed how she walked. Full of enthusiasm and energy. There was this smile on her red lips and I thought to myself that it made her really pretty.

We entered Kentucky and we sat at one of the tables in the back of the restaurant. She asked the waiter to give her two slices of different pizzas, they weren't the classic. I asked for two classic portions and we started talking about life.
She told me that she was studying really hard for her exams. I loved how passionate she was about her carreer. Her eyes would fill with light whenever she spoke of how she wanted to help people and I loved that, her passion.
I told her that I was studying also and that I wanted to start to give guitar lessons.
- Teach me! -  she said. And I loved the way she said it, with her whole expression smiling.
- Oh really? - I asked. I felt very shy all of the sudden. I imagined her in my house and staring at my fingers playing the strings.
- Yeah, why not? - she said. And I thought to myself the question she said aloud why not? It lingered in my thoughts for a while, those two words. Why not?

We spoke a lot and the idea of me teaching her guitar kind of dissolved while we talked.
She told me that she was living with her sister and that her parents and brother lived far from the city, she told me that she had to move to study Medicine.
- Was it hard for you to leave your home? - I asked. Her green eyes suddenly had this firm look in them.
- Well... Yes, I miss them, but I really want to be a doctor Hann so it's worth it.

We started talking about the concert then and of how the people of the orchestra played. I made a joke that I don't even remember and she cracked up. She started to laugh and I laughed along even though I didn't find it as funny.
Her eyes started getting teary and her cheeks were red. I loved to hear her laugh, to make her laugh.

Then we kept on talking for a while and I realized that we didn't even mention our boyfriends. That made me feel a little guilty, as if I was hiding something that I had to show but at the same time I thought to myself it's girl time, no need to talk about men.

There was this moment, a moment that I will never forget. I said something that made her laugh a little and it left her lips smiling. I looked at her from where I was sitting and I stared into her eyes for a while without saying anything. Her gaze was full of emotion. When we stayed like this for some seconds that felt timeless I felt this warmth in my chest, this heat that spread inside of me. And I pictured us together, in a home after a long day having dinner and her lips smiling like that with her eyes looking at mine with that gaze. I projected a lot I know but I felt it in my mind, I didn't really think about it. It was more like a sensation. And I really wanted that, I wanted it bad. I hadn't wanted something like that for a long time but that night I wanted her.

She payed everything and I didn't want her to but she insisted so I let her. We left the restaurant and on the street there were homeless men that scared me a little, I thought that they were going to say something to her. I wanted to protect her from them even though I was just a girl like her.

We walked for a while with the wind touching our bodies, I've always loved the wind and to feel it with her next to me was beautiful.
We stopped at a shop where they sold snacks and all sorts of junky food.
- Can you buy me an ice cream cone? - she asked me. I loved how random the question was.
- Yeah sure - I said.
- You can pay that for me... - she said with this tender voice that made me want to buy everything for her.

I bought the cone and we walked for a while in the silent city street. She walked in a way that caught my attention, taking big steps and with a smile on her lips. I had seen that walk on movies, where the guy is in love with the girl and while he walks he takes those silly steps. I liked how she walked, it felt sweet.

We stopped in front of a shop where they sold paintings and we looked at them for a while from the street. She focused on the details and techniques while I looked at them and felt admiration. 
- I'd buy that one - she said pointing at a painting of a landscape with a blue immense sky over it and large clouds drifting in it.
- I'd buy that one - I said pointing at a strange one of a woman screaming. We both laughed at the same time.
- Really? - she asked.
- Yes - I said with a serious voice mocking her.
- No... I think I'd take that one - I said looking at one that had a beautiful tree painted on it.
- You've got something with trees - she said laughing.
- I do - I said and we ended up looking at eachother in silence for a few seconds that felt beautiful. I loved her eyes, how her gaze touched me and made me feel so many things.
- Hey, let me take you to your home - she said breaking the silence.
- Oh right. I forgot - I said. She laughed a little and then she said,
- You can be really funny - looking at the floor.
- Really? - I asked.
- Yeah - she said and suddenly she did something that made me forget of everything around us.
She took both of my hands and leaned back for a second, then she came close to me again. I liked the feeling of her skin on mine, between my fingers, holding me.
- What? - I said laughing.
- Never mind - she said and she did it again. Leaned back while I held her hands and then she came up to me again. This time her face was very close to mine and I felt this impulse, this need to just kiss her on the lips but I didn't obviously.

She walked me to the door of my building and then we fell into a hug. One of those hugs that make you feel complete again, it was strange but beautiful.
- Hey, it was really nice... Seeing you - she said, almost whispering the two last words of the sentence.
- Yeah, it was nice seeing you too - I said and she seemed a little shy. Her eyes drifted from mine to the floor. She didn't look like a shy person.
- Well I better get back home - she said.
- Tell me when you get there - I answered.
We hugged one last time and I wanted to stay there, between her arms and in her skin.
- All right now I'm going - she said laughing.
- Bye Ev - I said looking at her eyes.
- See you some day - she said with a smile on her lips.
- Some day - I said back and listened to those two words in my mind for a while, some day.

The Eyes Of An ArtistWhere stories live. Discover now